A field service support system using a queueing network model and the priority MVA algorithm

A field service support system using a queueing network model and the priority MVA algorithm

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Article ID: iaor1997564
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 24
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 195
End Page Number: 203
Publication Date: Apr 1996
Journal: OMEGA
Keywords: queues: applications, performance

In many companies, the field service (FS) department plays an important role, contributing up to 40% to the company’s total revenue. FS managers have to cope with conflicting objectives: (a) to maintain a high level of customer service and (b) to keep the spares inventory level as low as possible. Therefore, they need tools to analyse the impact of their decisions on customer service and inventory cost. Such a tool is presented in this paper. The author has developed a closed queueing network model, similar to one due to Waller, incorporating priority classes of customers via the application of the priority mean value analysis algorithm, developed by Shalev-Oren et al. This model has been applied to the FS organization of the Greek subsidiary of a multinational computer company, and it has proved to be very efficient from the computational point of view, thus constituting a powerful tool for the FS managers.


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