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Found 17295 papers in total
Random discrete distributions invariant under size-biased permutation
Invariance of a random discrete distribution under size-biased permutation is...
A Lagrangean relaxation approach for a turbine design quadratic assignment problem
This paper shows how a Lagrangean relaxation approach to a turbine design problem...
Perpetuities with thin walls
The authors investigate the behaviour of nd as for the random variable , where is an...
The Gaussian distribution revisited
A new construction of the Gaussian distribution is introduced and proven. The...
A projection method for the integer quadratic knapsack problem
This paper presents a new branch and bound algorithm for solving a class of integer...
A dual simplex algorithm for piecewise-linear programming
This paper presents a dual piecewise-linear simplex algorithm for minimizing convex...
Using aspiration levels in an interior primal-dual multiobjective linear programming algorithm
This paper introduces a new multiple-objective linear programming (MOLP) algorithm....
Modeling truck-shovel systems as closed queueing network with multiple job classes
In this paper an analytical method is proposed to model the truck-shovel system as a...
A note on a queueing optimization problem
Van Ackere and Ninios (VN) used discrete-event simulation to determine the optimal...
Analysis of open discrete time queueing networks: A refined decomposition approach
The paper deals with approximate analysis methods for open queueing networks. External...
The M/G/1 queue with negative customers
The authors derive expressions for the generating function of the equilibrium queue...
Queues with marked customers
Queueing systems with distinguished arrivals are described on the basis of Markov...
A unified method to analyze overtake free queueing systems
In this paper the authors demonstrate that the distributional laws that relate the...
The finite capacity GI/M/1 queue with server vacations
This paper considers the GI/M/1/K queue where the server takes exponentially...
Why we iterate: Scientific modeling in theory and practice
An approach to system dynamics modeling is advocated that adheres to the scientific...
An overview of strategy and tactics in system dynamics optimization
A review of the methods and purposes of optimization in system dynamics models is...
Relationships between data envelopment analysis and multicriteria decision analysis
This paper contrasts the different approaches of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and...
The impact of restricting the flow of inventory in serial production systems
This research uses simulation technique to compare the output performance of pull...
Markov properties of cluster processes
The authors show that a Poisson cluster point process is a nearest-neighbour Markov...
System dynamics in project management: A comparative analysis with traditional methods
Recent dramatic project failures have highlighted weaknesses in the traditional...
The sectional Poisson Voronoi tessellation is not a Voronoi tessellation
Is the intersection between an arbitrary but fixed plane and the spatial Poisson...
Time and priority allocation scheduling technique for projects
This paper presents an advanced scheduling technique known as TAPAS. It has been...
Large deviations in the piecewise linear approximation of Gaussian processes with stationary increments
The paper considers the piecewise linear interpolation of Gaussian processes with...
Bayesian modelling of ARFIMA processes by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
This article describes inference for autoregressive fractionally integrated moving...
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