Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Inference on binary images from binary data
The problem addressed is to reverse the degradation which occurs when images are...
Distributions of projective invariants and model-based machine vision
In machine vision, objects are observed subject to an unknown projective...
On the HNBUE property in a class of correlated cumulative shock models
Conditions for a correlated cumulative shock model under which the system failure time...
A flow conservation law for surface processes
The object studied in this paper is a pair ( ℝlsquo; ,Y) where ℝlsquo; is a...
Large deviations for discrete and continuous percolation
Motivated by a statistical application, the authors consider continuum percolation in...
Dispersion of particle systems in Brownian flows
The authors study the dispersion of a collection of particles carried by an isotropic...
Some asymptotic results for transient random walks
The authors consider a real-valued random walk S which drifts to ¸-• and is...
A bootstrap algorithm for the isotropic random sphere
Let be a real-valued, homogeneous, and isotropic random field indexed in . When...
Comparison of replacement policies via point processes
First, some basic concepts from the theory of point processes are recalled and...
Performance evaluation models for single-item periodic pull production systems
A number of pull production systems reported in the literature are found to be...
Sequential-analysis based randomized-regret-methods for lot-sizing and scheduling
Lot-sizing and scheduling comprises activities that have to be done repeatedly within...
On-line control model for cost-simulation network projects
This paper presents a newly developed hierarchical control model for several PERT type...
Solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem with optimization subroutine library
In this paper the authors present three new models for the resource constrained...
Multilevel fault tree analysis using fuzzy numbers
This paper applies fuzzy concepts to fault tree analysis (FTA), where the basic events...
Markovian queueing models with periodic-review
This article concerns the production/inventory system with periodic-review policy. The...
Extensions of bidding theory: Concealed bidding, optimal number of bidders, and follow-on contracts
For the case in which a product with an uncertain cost is acquired in a competitive...
On costs in teleworking
This paper introduces a model for analysing costs within a teleworking organization....
A critical review of research on electronic mail
This paper reviews the literature on email (including computer conferencing) and...
The implementation of customer oriented inter-organizational systems: An investigation from the sponsor’s perspective
Computer based systems that link an organization with its customers are becoming...
Evaluation and realisation of IS/IT benefits: An empirical study of current practice
This paper presents the main findings of a 1994 survey of UK industry practices in the...
Structures of responsibility and security of information systems
Research suggests an improved theoretical and conceptual foundation for analysing...
Design for success?: Critical success factors in executive information systems development
Much of the literature on executive information systems (EIS) development provides...
Drivers and barriers to adopting EDI: A sector analysis of UK industry
This paper presents the results of research comparing the effects of Electronic Data...
A contingency framework for the investigation of information systems failure
Despite the increasing sophistication of information technologies, information systems...
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