Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Phase transition and law of large numbers for a non-symmetric one-dimensional random walk with self-interactions
We study a not necessarily symmetric random walk with interactions on ℤ, which is...
High occupancy vehicle lanes: Not always more effective than general purpose lanes
The success of a high occupancy vehicle lane in motivating people to shift to carpools...
Increment-vector methodology: Transforming non-stationary series to stationary series
In time series analysis, it is well known that the differencing operator ▽ d may...
The economic impacts of a divisible-load permit system for heavy vehicles
A methodology is demonstrated for analyzing the economic impacts of various weight...
Driver memory: Motorist selection and retention of individualized headways in highway traffic
The paper presents evidence that (1) drivers have different personalities in that they...
Studies on tractor related injuries in northern India
Epidemiological studies were conducted in two phases each of 1 year duration in nine...
Delay to major-street through vehicles due to right-turn activity
This paper describes a model for predicting the delays to major-street through drivers...
A short-cut method for strategy optimisation using strategic transport models
This paper describes a methodology which permits optimal strategies for strategic...
Stationary time series models with exponential dispersion model margins
We consider a class of stationary infinite-order moving average processes with margins...
A parking search model
Parking plays an important role in urban transport systems. However, there is...
Psychological resistance against attempts to reduce private car use
The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of information, feedback and...
The effects of economic restructuring on China's system for financing transport infrastructure
Since the late 1970s, the Chinese government has introduced new measures based on a...
Airport pavement management systems: An appraisal of existing methodologies
Airport pavement management systems (APMS) are computer-based decision support systems...
Factors affecting vehicle occupancy measurement
Factors affecting vehicle occupancy measurement were examined with the aim of...
Perturbation stability of the asymmetric stochastic equilibrium assignment model
A number of results are established regarding the stability of the asymmetric...
The continuous dynamic network loading problem: A mathematical formulation and solution method
The continuous dynamic network loading problem aims to find, on a congested network,...
Sensitivity and error analysis of the dual criteria traffic assignment model
In the dual criteria traffic assignment model, to take into account various trade-offs...
Multiple equilibrium behaviors and advanced traveler information systems with endogenous market penetration
We consider a specific advanced traveler information system (ATIS) whose objective is...
A model and an algorithm for the dynamic user-optimal route choice problem
This paper formulates a discrete-time, link-based dynamic user-optimal route choice...
Electric vehicles as a new power source for electric utilities
Electric-drive vehicles, whether fueled by batteries or by liquid or gaseous fuels...
Alternative transport pricing and regulation policies: A welfare analysis for Belgium in 2005
This paper analyses the efficiency of alternative pricing and regulatory instruments...
The minimum vertex degree of a graph on uniform points in [0,1]d
On independent random points U 1 , …, U n distributed uniformly on [0,1] d , a...
The maximum vertex degree of a graph on uniform points in [0,1]d
A random graph G n ( x ) is constructed on independent random points U 1 , …, U...
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