Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
A stochastic model of carcinogenesis and tumor size at detection
This paper discusses the distribution of tumor size at detection derived within the...
Whole genome amplification and branching processes
Whole genome amplification is important for multipoint mapping by sperm or oocyte...
Stochastic analysis of ‘simultaneous merge–sort’
The asymptotic behaviour of the recursion M k --> -->= --> -->d --> -->M...
Linear programming estimators and bootstrapping for heavy tailed phenomena
For autoregressive time series with positive innovations which either have heavy right...
Near complete decomposability: Bounding the error by a stochastic comparison method
An aggregation technique of ‘near complete decomposable’ Markovian systems...
ARMA models and the Box–Jenkins methodology
The purpose of this paper is to apply the Box–Jenkins methodology to ARIMA...
Going up–going down: How good are people at forecasting trends and changes in trends?
Prior studies of judgemental time-series forecasting have found that people have...
Bayesian analysis of vector ARMA models using Gibbs sampling
We present a methodology for estimation, prediction, and model assessment of vector...
Predictions in overdispersed series of counts using an approximate predictive likelihood
The generalized autoregression model or GARM, originally used to model series of...
Estimating the demand pattern for C category items
This paper presents a methodology for estimating the demand pattern for the...
The impact of task properties feedback on time series judgmental forecasting tasks
This study evaluates the impact of task properties feedback on the time series...
When idle time matters – using spreadsheet simulations to improve linear programming instruction
This article has two purposes. The first is to suggest that operational research is an...
The air defence of Great Britain, 1920–1940: An operational research perspective
This paper analyses the introduction of operational research into the RAF in the...
The area bombing of Germany in World War II: An operational research perspective
This paper analyses the origins and implementation of British bombing policy with...
Overview of OR practice in Taiwan companies
This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey of Operational Research (OR)...
An exploration of three emancipatory themes within OR and systems thinking
This paper pursues the current debate about emancipation as one of the principal...
A polynomial algorithm for scheduling small-scale manufacturing cells served by multiple robots
The n -job, two-machine, multi-robot flowshop scheduling problem is considered with...
A heuristic-based genetic algorithm for workload smoothing in assembly lines
Workload smoothing in assembly lines has many beneficial features: it established the...
Partial termination rule of Lagrangian relaxation for manufacturing cell formation problems
Mathematical programming models for manufacturing cell formation problems are...
Optimal scheduling in CDMA packet radio networks
We consider the time slot assignment problem in a code division multiple access (CDMA)...
An optimal procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows and generalized precedence relations
In this paper, we consider the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP)...
Using discrete simulation modeling to study large-scale system reliability/availability
Discrete simulation modeling is shown to be of value in determining the...
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