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Found 17295 papers in total
On the inverse of the first hitting time problem for bidimensional processes
Bidimensional processes defined by dx(t) = ρ(x,y)dt and dy(t) = m(x,y)dt +...
First-passage-time densities for time-non-homogeneous diffusion processes
In this paper we study a Volterra integral equation of the second kind, including two...
Average case behavior of random search for the maximum
This paper is a study of the error in approximating the global maximum of a Brownian...
Extremes for shot noise processes with heavy tailed amplitudes
Extreme value results for a class of shot noise processes with heavy tailed amplitudes...
A power-law model and other models for long-range dependence
It is becoming increasingly recognized that some long series of data can be adequately...
Detailed probabilistic analysis of the integrated three-valued telegraph signal
In this paper the integrated three-valued telegraph process X = X(t), t ≧ 0 is...
Limit theorems for the total size of a spatial epidemic
We study the long-term behaviour of a sequence of multitype general stochastic...
Coherent structures and unimodality
This paper is concerned with the preservation of unimodality under coherent structures...
Stochastic comparison of point random fields
We give an alternative proof of a point-process version of the...
Two chain-transformations and their applications to quantiles
We describe two chain-transformations which explain and extend identities for order...
On the rate of Poisson process approximation to a Bernoulli process
This note gives the rate for a Wasserstein distance between the distribution of a...
On the rate of convergence for extremes of mean square differentiable stationary normal processes
Let &zetacn;( t ); t ≧ 0 be a normalized continuous mean square differentiable...
Limit motion of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck particle on the equilibrium manifold of a force field
In this paper we consider a position–velocity Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process...
Market area of rail–truck terminals: Pertinence of the spatial theory
The comparison of transport modes cannot neglect space or location. Road and rail...
On defining long-range dependence
Long-range dependence has usually been defined in terms of covariance properties...
Automobile ownership and government policy: The economics of Singapore's vehicle quota scheme
Rapid growth in real income in many countries of South-East Asia has led to large...
Preservation of multivariate stochastic orders under multivariate Poisson shock models
Consider two systems, labeled system 1 and system 2, each with m components. Suppose...
A simple detection scheme for delay-inducing freeway incidents
This paper describes a freeway incident detection scheme that does not rely on...
Reliability analysis for systems in a random environment
We consider some important systems in reliability theory situated in a random...
Designing signal-controlled junctions for group-based operation
A mathematical framework for describing an individual signal-controlled junction is...
Multivariate age replacement
Age replacement policy is commonly used in order to reduce the number of in-service...
Simulation support tool for real-time dispatching control in public transport
In practice punctuality of transit service has been a chronic operational problem...
Spectral factorization of periodically correlated MA(1) processes
The spectral factorization problem, i.e. the problem of obtaining all possible MA...
Estimating the effects of carrier transit-time performance on logisitics cost and service
Joint determination of an appropriate transportation mode and an optimal inventory...
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