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Heavy traffic analysis for continuous polling models
Kroese Dirk P.
We consider a continuous polling system in heavy traffic. Using the relationship...
Partial balances in batch arrival batch service and assemble–transfer queueing networks
Chao Xiuli
Recently Miyazawa and Taylor proposed a new class of queueing networks with batch...
Large deviations for departures from a shared buffer
O'Connell Neil
In this paper we describe how the joint large deviation properties of traffic streams...
A stationary Poisson departure process from a minimally delayed infinite server queue with non-stationary Poisson arrivals
Barnes John A.
The points of a non-stationary Poisson process with periodic intensity are...
An M/G/1 queue with multiple types of feedback and gated vacations
Yechiali Uri
This paper considers a single-server queue with Poisson arrivals and multiple customer...
Sengupta's invariant relationship and its application to waiting time inference
Toyoizumi Hiroshi
This paper presents a new proof of Sengupta's invariant relationship between virtual...
On a property of a refusals stream
Abramov Vyacheslav M.
This paper consists of two parts. The first part provides a more elementary proof of...
Asymptotic stationarity of queueing processes
Szczotka Wadysaw
We show that if an input process ζ to a queue is asymptotic stationary in some...
Convergence rate for the distributions of GI/M/1/n and M/GI/1/n as n tends to infinity
Simonot F.
In this note, we compare the arrival and time stationary distributions of the number...
M/M/∞ transience revisited
Preater J.
We take a fresh look at some transient characteristics of an M/M/ ∞ queue,...
A product-form ‘loss network’ with a form of queueing
Berezner S.A.
We show that a form of queueing can be introduced into the standard fixed-routing loss...
Bias optimality in controlled queueing systems
Puterman Martin L.
This paper studies an admission control M/M/ 1 queueing system. It shows that the only...
A result on networks of queues with customer coalescence and state-dependent signaling
Chao Xiuli
In this paper we consider a network of queues with batch services, customer...
Continued fraction analysis of the duration of an excursion in an M/M/∞ system
Guillemin Fabrice
We show in this paper how the Laplace transform θ* of the duration θ...
Concomitant tail behaviour for extremes
Tawn Jonathan A.
The influence of bivariate extremal dependence on the limiting behaviour of the...
Characterization of life distributions under some generalized stochastic orderings
Cai Jun
In this paper we investigate the characterizations of life distributions under four...
A note on stochastic ordering of order statistics
Ma Chunsheng
A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for a Poisson binomial random...
Co-existence of the occupied and vacant phase in Boolean models in three or more dimensions
Sarkar Anish
Consider a continuum percolation model in which, at each point of a d -dimensional...
On the mean shape of particle processes
Weil Wolfgang
For a stationary point process X of sets in the convex ring in ℝ d , a relation...
Ruin theory with stochastic return on investments
Paulsen Jostein
We consider a risk process with stochastic interest rate, and show that the...
Stochastic FM models and non-linear time series analysis
Huang D.
An important model in communications is the stochastic frequency modulation (FM)...
Fixed points of a generalized smoothing transformation and applications to the branching random walk
Liu Quansheng
Let { A i : i ≥ 1} be a sequence of non-negative random variables and let ℳ be...
Periodic steady state of loss systems with periodic inputs
Willie Helmut
The input of a multiserver loss system is assumed to be a periodic random marked point...
On the rate of growth of the overshoot and the maximum partial sum
Griffin P.S.
Let T r be the first time at which a random walk S n escapes from the strip [– r...
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