Studies on tractor related injuries in northern India

Studies on tractor related injuries in northern India

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Article ID: iaor19994
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 53
End Page Number: 60
Publication Date: Jan 1998
Journal: Accident Analysis and Prevention
Authors: , ,
Keywords: transportation: road

Epidemiological studies were conducted in two phases each of 1 year duration in nine and 30 villages, respectively, in two northern states of India. Investigations were carried out to determine the causal factors, the activities involved and severity of injuries for farming and non-farming activities in tractor related accidents. A total of 76 cases involving five fatalities and 71 non-fatal injuries were recorded. The pattern of tractor related injuries in India has been found to be very different compared to those reported from highly industrialized countries. Fifty-four percent of tractor related injuries in the first phase and 49% in the second phase were because of non-farming activities. Of the total injuries recorded in both the phases only 1 and 6% were tractor related. A major cause of tractor related injuries were collisions. In the two phases 28 and 40% injured were passengers on tractor or trailer.


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