Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Substitution of bus for car travel in urban Britain: An economic evaluation of bus and car exhaust emission and other costs
Car exhaust emissions cause serious air pollution problems in many regions and, at a...
A stochastic transit assignment model using a dynamic schedule-based network
Using the schedule-based approach, in which scheduled time-tables are used to describe...
Capacity estimation of traffic circles under mixed traffic conditions using micro-simulation technique
This paper describes the micro-simulation modelling of traffic circles of developing...
A stochastic modeling approach to dynamic prediction of section-wide inter-lane and intra-lane traffic variables using point detector data
Real-time section-wide lane traffic variables such as density and lane-changing are...
Carpooling and congestion pricing in a multilane highway with high-occupancy-vehicle lanes
High-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) lanes and toll differentiation have been used as...
Production scheduling on parallel machines: A case study
This case study reports the development and implementation process of a production...
Useful estimation procedures for critical gaps
Many different methods for the estimation of critical gaps at unsignalized...
Pipeline information survey: A UK perspective
Experiential and analytical research output from a number of sources suggests that the...
Implementing the maximum likelihood methodology to measure a driver's critical gap
Most of the capacity calculation procedures for two-way stop-controlled intersections...
Design policies for sight distance at stop-controlled intersections based on gap acceptance
The current AASHTO policy for sight distance at stop-controlled intersections is based...
Extensions of theoretical capacity models to account for special conditions
The computational procedures used to analyze two-way stop-controlled intersections...
Delay to major street through vehicles at two-way stop-controlled intersections
This paper describes a methodology for predicting the delay to major street through...
Capacity of shared-short lanes at unsignalized intersections
The calculation procedures in recent highway capacity manuals do not treat...
Capacity at unsignalized two-stage priority intersections
The subject of this paper is the capacity of minor-street traffic movements across...
Limited priority merge at unsignalized intersections
The development of a new gap acceptance model based on limited priority for the major...
A merging–giveway interaction model of cars in a merging section: A game theoretic analysis
In many past studies dealing with traffic phenomena in merging or weaving sections,...
A capacity model for all-way stop-controlled intersections based on stream interactions
This paper presents a methodology for analyzing the capacity of all-way...
Infinite block-structured transition matrices and their properties
In this paper, we study Markov chains with infinite state block-structured transition...
A convergence theorem for Markov chains arising in population genetics and the coalescent with selfing
A simple convergence theorem for sequences of Markov chains is presented in order to...
Controlled Markov set-chains with discounting
In the framework of discounted Markov decision processes, we consider the case that...
First-passage-time densities and avoiding probabilities for birth-and-death processes with symmetric sample paths
For truncated birth-and-death processes with two absorbing or two reflecting...
Asymptotically achievable performance in ATM networks
The primary objective in the present paper is to gain fundamental understanding of the...
Virtual logistics: An introduction and overview of the concepts
Describes concepts for a method of organising logistics systems termed ‘virtual...
Lexicographic optimisation in generalised network flow problems
In this paper the lexicographic optimisation of the multiobjective generalised network...
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