Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Comparison of order review and release techniques in a dynamic and uncertain job shop environment
This paper proposes a new methodological pattern to assess the effectiveness of Order...
Handling soft constraints via composite concave programming
In this discussion we propose a method for handling soft constraints in situations...
Static neural network process models: Considerations and case studies
Neural networks are beginning to be used for the modelling of complex manufacturing...
Control of a batch-processing machine: A computational approach
Batch processing machines, where a number of jobs are processed simultaneously as a...
Economical evaluation of disassembly operations for recycling, remanufacturing and reuse
This paper introduced a procedure which integrates economical factors into the...
An evolutionary approach of multicriteria manufacturing cell formation
Several approaches to designing cellular manufacturing systems exist, but they are...
A multi-level modelling system for the design of flexible machining installations
Modern flexible manufacturing facilities can be highly complex, consisting of the...
Integration of inductive learning and neural networks for multi-objective FMS scheduling
In this paper, we propose an integrated approach of inductive learning and competitive...
A real-time scheduling mechanism for a flexible manufacturing system: Using simulation and dispatching rules
This paper presents a real-time scheduling methodology which uses simulation and...
Iterative procedures for multi-period order selection and loading problems in flexible manufacturing systems
This paper focuses on multi-period order selection and loading problems in flexible...
On-line production control of a flexible multi-cell manufacturing system operating a highly dynamic environment
This paper examines the problem of real-time production control of a flexible...
Production planning for flexible manufacturing systems with multiple machine types: A practical method
We study three important production planning problems for flexible manufacturing...
Oil field optimization under price uncertainty
This paper presents a mixed integer programming model for optical development of an...
Chance constrained integer programming models for capital budgeting in fuzzy environments
This paper attempts to model capital budgeting problems by chance constrained integer...
A comparative study of performance measures for throughput of a mixed model assembly line in a Just-In-Time environment
Throughput evaluation of a mixed model assembly line, where the arrival sequence of...
Analysis of production systems when run length influences product quality
Proponents of the Just-In-Time philosophy contend that smaller run lengths result in...
Determination of master production schedule replanning frequency for various forecast window intervals
This paper examines the impact of forecast window intervals on replanning frequencies...
Interactive fuzzy programming for multilevel, linear programming problems
This paper presents interactive fuzzy programming for multilevel linear programming...
Synergies from spreadsheet linear programming used with the theory of constraints – a case study
This paper describes a case study relating to a food-processing plant. The methods...
Bounding Multiple Objective Linear Programming objective functions: effect on efficient set size
In multiple objective linear programming problems the extraction of all the efficient...
Using mathematical programming heuristics in a multicriteria network flow context
In this paper, we propose a local search procedure to test the robustness of a...
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