Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Modelling the impact of reengineering with system dynamics
A high level model of the organisation is built using the system dynamics method and...
Using simulation modelling for business process reengineering: Resource allocation in a police custody process
Presents an assessment of the use of simulation modelling to assist in business...
Operations management and systemic modelling as frameworks for business process reengineering
Although there currently exists an unprecedented level of interest in business...
Common action and electricity trade in northern Europe
Common action (CA) increases the possibilities to adapt to restrictions on CO 2...
Modelling and optimization of carbon-in-pulp gold recovery processes
The paper presents a mixed-integer nonlinear programming approach to construction and...
Seasonal heteroscedasticity and trends
This paper discusses the possibility of accommodating features such as seasonal...
Weights and robustness of model-based seasonal adjustment
Model-based seasonal adjustment implicitly defines a set of weights at the ends of...
Ex-post and ex-ante prediction of unobserved economic time series: A case study
In several countries, some macro-economic variables are not observed frequently (e.g....
Simulated annealing for the multi-objective aircrew rostering problem
The aircrew rostering problem entails the assignment of crew members to planned...
Noise pollution associated with the operation of the Dar es Salaam International Airport
The operation of airports results in environmental impacts associated with high levels...
Strategies for serving peak elevator traffic
Suppose that in an office building of moderate height (5 to 20 floors) elevator...
Hub location with flow economies of scale
A characteristic feature of hub and spoke networks is the bundling of flows on the...
Assessing the value and cost implications of manufacturing information and data systems: An empirical study
Although manufacturing information and data systems (MIDS) form an integral part of a...
Intelligent traffic signals for pedestrians: Evaluation of trials in three countries
The DRIVE II project VRU-TOO (Vulnerable Road User Traffic Observation and...
A hierarchical model for the cell loading problem of cellular manufacturing systems
A hierarchical cell loading approach is proposed to solve the production planning...
Functional evaluation of the Los Angeles smart card field operational test
This paper summarizes the functional evaluation of an Advanced Fare Payment System...
Optimal operation grouping and sequencing technique for multistage machining systems
In this study, the problem of determining the optimal group and sequence of operations...
A modeling framework for impact assessment of urban transport systems
An integrated software tool environment is presented, and a methodology is proposed...
Multi-objective machine-part cell formation through parallel simulated annealing
Group technology (GT) is a manufacturing philosophy which identifies and exploits the...
The economy of alternative fuels when including the cost of air pollution
In this study, the costs involved in the use of petrol, diesel, natural gas, biogas,...
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