Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Selecting a balanced team – formation of netball teams for a series of trial matches
Each year, in order to choose the best netball team to represent the State of Victoria...
On the selection of hub airports for an airline hub-and-spoke system
We consider the 1-stop multiple allocation p -hub median problem. We formulate the...
Passenger choice analysis for seat capacity control: A pilot project in Scandinavian Airlines
A yield management research project in Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) focuses upon...
Optimal demand for operating lease of aircraft
Operating lease of the aircraft gives the airlines flexibility in capacity management....
A note on the competitive advantage of large hub-and spoke networks
This note explores the extent to which airlines operating large hub-and-spoke networks...
Possible changes in logistic chain relationships due to Internet developments
For many years electronic data interchange (EDI) was considered as costly but...
A decision support system for modelling logistic chains in freight transport policy analysis
As the logistics activities of firms are becoming increasingly dynamic and global in...
Transport policy and reality – can systems-based interviewing unravel the differences?
The rhetoric towards transport policy in the UK has fundamentally changed in recent...
Stochastic freight flow patterns: Implications for fleet optimization
Trucking, rail and other types of transportation networks share the common feature of...
Transformation of transport policy in Great Britain
The British Government recently issued a white paper on its future transport strategy....
Reactions to congestion under time pressure
All transport-related models of the black-box type lack a choice process mechanism...
Simulation of railway traffic control
Traffic control is the centre of the railway traffic system. The success of a railway...
Secrets of success: Assessing the large increases in transit ridership achieved by Houston and San Diego transit providers
This paper summarizes and updates the findings from an earlier study by the same...
Railway traffic control and train scheduling based on inter-train conflict management
This research deals with analyzing dispatchers' decision process in inter-train...
Are traffic injuries disproportionally more common among tourists in Greece? Struggling with incomplete data
Data concerning injury hazards among tourists are difficult to obtain because...
An evaluation of the general effect of the New Zealand graduated driver licensing system on motorcycle traffic crash hospitalisations
In 1987, New Zealand introduced a comprehensive Graduated Driver Licensing System...
Toronto bicycle commuter safety rates
This analysis uses data from a survey of Toronto commuter cyclists that collected...
An analysis of urban collisions using an artificial intelligence model
Traditional studies on road accidents estimate the effect of variables (such as...
Cycle helmet effectiveness in New Zealand
Since late 1989, the cycle helmet wearing rate in New Zealand has risen from around...
Stochastic equilibrium traffic assignment with value-of-time distributed among users
In this paper, existing fixed-point models for stochastic equilibrium traffic...
Stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment with turn-delays in intersections
Turn-delays in intersections contribute significantly to travel times and thus route...
Clustering techniques for stock location and order-picking in a distribution center
In this paper, the stock location and order-picking problems in a distribution center...
Using expert system rules to establish data for intersections and turns in road networks
Delays and restrictions in intersections contribute significantly to the overall...
Heuristic guided simulator for the operational planning of the transport of sugar cane
This paper presents a computational tool for the operational planning of the...
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