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Found 17295 papers in total
General heuristic procedures and solution strategies for flexible manufacturing systems scheduling
This paper presents two new heuristic procedures for FMS scheduling. The heuristics...
Evaluation of manufacturing cell loading rules for independent cells
In this paper, first the growing importance of cellular manufacturing is mentioned and...
Production scheduling across multi-machine packaging lines for the pre-scheduling level
Scheduling packaging lines in the process industry is a well known hard problem. The...
Distributed dynamic programming using concurrent object-orientedness with actors visualized by high-level Petri nets
This paper deals with application of concurrent object-oriented programming with...
Job-shop scheduling – using component packing and simulated annealing approach
An algorithm to solve the job-shop scheduling problem based on the component-packing...
A bi-directional scheduling approach for job shops
In this paper, we propose a method for scheduling job shops that combines two distinct...
Three types of dual model for minimax fractional programming
We establish necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for minimax fractional...
Applications of neural networks to solving surface mount technology scheduling problems – a case study
In today's surface mount technology (SMT) production systems, an SMT assembly line is...
Predictable scheduling of a single machine with breakdowns and sensitive jobs
Production schedules released to the shop floor have two important functions:...
Dynamic scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems using a real-time genetic algorithm
The paper presents a genetic algorithm capable of generating optimised production...
Solving convex programs with infinitely many linear constraints by a relaxed cutting plane method
One of the major computational bottlenecks of using the conventional cutting plane...
Efficient methods for scheduling make-to-order assemblies under resource, assembly area and part availability constraints
We consider the problem of scheduling multiple, large-scale, make-to-order assemblies...
A comparison of heuristics for family and job scheduling in a flow-line manufacturing cell
This paper proposes new procedures for scheduling a flow-time manufacturing cell and...
Component allocation and job sequencing for two series-connected surface mount device placement machines
The problem of component allocation and sequencing printed circuit board assembly jobs...
New dispatching rules for shop scheduling: A step forward
This paper provides a set of new dispatching rules for the minimization of various...
Priority scheduling policies for repair shops
The use of repair as an alternative to the replacement of products is a growing trend...
Scheduling unbalanced cellular manufacturing systems with lot splitting
Recently, a large number of studies have addressed lot splitting as a means to reduce...
Linear time algorithms for linear programming
A linear time algorithm for the solution of asymmetric large scale linear programming...
Macro- and micro-modeling of field service dynamics
A system dynamics model to investigate field service issues was developed for a major...
Duality theory and slackness conditions in multiobjective linear programming
The aim of this paper is to develop a duality theory for linear multiobjective...
Dynamic conflict-free routing of automated guided vehicles
This paper presents work performed to address design and operational control issues...
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