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Found 17295 papers in total
Design and operation of single-loop dual-rail inter-bay material handling system
Asynchronized automated material handling systems, e.g. automated electrified monorail...
Cooperation schemes for heterogeneous material-handling vehicle fleets
This study deals with an organization which utilizes wire-guided vehicles as its...
Forecasting Internet telephony – using scenarios to quantify the effects of using the Internet as a voice phone
The Internet offers individuals and organisations almost unlimited access to...
Concepts of neighbourhood and universal compact yield towards achieving best pattern layouts
Clustering of a given set of patterns or nesting onto a stock is a typical and mingled...
A tabu thresholding implementation for the irregular stock cutting problem
The complexity of the irregular stock-cutting problem makes an ideal candidate for...
A hysteretic queueing system with random server capacity
We consider in this paper, an r -quorum queueing system with random server capacity...
Optimization problems on the performance of a nonreliable terminal system
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the different service...
A process modelling framework for automated guided vehicle control
The control of handling equipment in a distribution centre is vital to overall control...
Facility layout design in a changing environment
Increasing global competition, rapid changes in technology and the necessity to...
Facility layout of irregular-shaped departments using a nested approach
The facility layout problem is a very difficult and widely studied optimization...
An optimization approach to capacity expansion in semiconductor manufacturing facilities
For a given demand and planning horizon, the general facility design problem faced by...
An iterative facility layout algorithm
In this paper we present a facility layout algorithm that iterates between a genetic...
Optimal layout in low-level picker-to-part systems
The paper presents an analytical approach to layout design of the picking area in...
Tabu search based heuristics for multi-floor facility layout
A pair of two-stage heuristics, GRASP/TS and FAF/TS, for solving the multifloor...
Quadratic assignment problem with adaptable material handling devices
The traditional quadratic assignment problem assumes handling costs between two...
A note on a genetic algorithm approach for multiple criteria facility layout design
This note shows that the string representation developed by Islier brought to light an...
Nested Benders decomposition and dynamic programming for reservoir optimisation
This paper presents a computational comparison of nested Benders decomposition and...
Calculation of an optimal region of operation for dual response systems fitted from experimental data
While there is abundant literature on Response Surface Methodology about how to seek...
Optimal design of the inspection buffer for an unreliable process
Placing an inspection buffer immediately after an unreliable process subject to...
Inspection strategies for multistage production systems with time-varying quality
An economic, cost of quality model is formulated for a production system with multiple...
Component commonality in a multiple-period inventory model with service level constraints
It has been clearly demonstrated in the literature that introducing a common component...
Selection of an optimal subset of sizes
For a company that produces a product in a range of sizes, it is sometimes possible to...
A parameter set design procedure for the simulated annealing algorithm under the computational time constraint
In this research, a design procedure is developed to specify the parameter set for the...
A framework for the selection of idle vehicle home locations in an automated guided vehicle system
In the study of automated guided vehicles systems (AGVS), one assumption often made in...
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