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A simple heuristic for solving small fixed-charge transportation problems
Adlakha Veena
The fixed-charge transportation problem is an extension of the classical...
Two-machine open shop scheduling with secondary criteria
Gupta Jatinder N.D.
This paper considers two-machine open shop problems with secondary criteria where the...
The total cost bounds of the transportation problem with varying demand and supply
Liu Shiang-Tai
A transportation problem is a linear programming problem based on a network structure...
Scheduling the production of rolling ingots: industrial context, model, and solution method
Schwindt C.
We study a real-world scheduling problem arising in the context of a rolling ingots...
A genetic algorithm and the Monte Carlo method for stochastic job-shop scheduling
Yoshitomi Y.
This paper proposes a method for solving job-shop scheduling problems using a hybrid...
A machine-order search space for job-shop scheduling problems
Choi S.H.
This paper proposes a methodology for real-time job-shop scheduling problems (JSSPs)....
Two-resource stochastic capacity planning employing a Bayesian methodology
Fong D.K.H.
We examine a stochastic capacity-planning problem with two resources that can satisfy...
Analysis of random polling system with an infinite number of coupled servers and correlated input process
Lee Thomas Yew Sing
We introduce a simple approach for modeling and analyzing a random polling system with...
Minimizing maximum tardiness and number of tardy jobs on parallel machines subject to minimum flow-time
Gupta Jatinder N.D.
This paper considers the problems of scheduling jobs on parallel identical machines...
A new approach to the queue length and waiting time of BMAP/G/1 queues
Lee Ho Woo
We apply the factorization principle to derive the generating function of the queue...
Benefits of providing amenities to impatient waiting customers
Ou Jihong
The paper proposes an OR modelling approach to study the effect of managing queue...
A note on a well-known dispatching rule to minimize total tardiness
Naidu Jaideep T.
The single machine tardiness problem is considered. We clarify and correct an earlier...
An approach to solve a hierarchical stochastic sequential ordering problem
Sicilia Joaqun
In this paper, we study a stochastic sequential ordering problem, where a set of jobs...
An efficient constructive heuristic for flowtime minimisation in permutation flow shops
Framinan J.M.
In this paper, we propose a heuristic for mean/total flowtime minimisation in...
Data envelopment analysis network computing in multi-stage parallel processes
Sueyoshi Toshiyuki
DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) is a managerial method that has been widely used for...
Integrated service network design for a cross-docking supply chain network
Sung C.S.
This paper considers an integrated service network design problem for a given set of...
Analysis of economies of scope by data envelopment analysis: comparison of efficient frontiers
Morita Hiroshi
Economies of scope exist when joint production is more efficient than separate...
Simplified material flow holds the key to supply chain integration
Towill Denis R.
Many organisations are evaluating their supply chains because they are perceived to be...
Retail productivity and scale economies at the firm level: a data envelopment analysis
Chu Singfat
We investigate the concept of productivity in retailing. In the literature, there are...
Manufacturing networks and supply chains: an operations strategy perspective
Olhager Jan
The purpose of this paper is to analyze manufacturing networks and supply chains from...
An algorithm for clustering based on non-smooth optimization techniques
Rubinov A.M.
The problem of cluster analysis is formulated as a problem of non-smooth, non-convex...
An incentive scheme for true information providing in Supply Chains
Feldmann Martin
This paper examines the problem of how to establish an incentive scheme to furnish...
A note on detecting outliers in short autocorrelated data using joint estimation and exponentially weighted moving average
Hu M.Y.
Comprehensive results for the joint estimation outlier detection method and the...
A two-phase multiple objective approach to university timetabling utilising optimisation and evolutionary solution methodologies
Tamiz M.
The timetabling problem is generally large, highly constrained and discrete in nature....
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