Scheduling the production of rolling ingots: industrial context, model, and solution method

Scheduling the production of rolling ingots: industrial context, model, and solution method

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Article ID: iaor20042613
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 10
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 547
End Page Number: 563
Publication Date: Nov 2003
Journal: International Transactions in Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: production, manufacturing industries

We study a real-world scheduling problem arising in the context of a rolling ingots production. First we review the production process and discuss peculiarities that have to be observed when scheduling a given set of production orders on the production facilities. We then show how to model this scheduling problem using prescribed time lags between operations, different kinds of resources, and sequence-dependent changeovers. A branch-and-bound solution procedure is presented in the second part. The basic principle is to relax the resource constraints by assuming infinite resource availability. Resulting resource conflicts are then stepwise resolved by introducing precedence relationships among operations competing for the same resources. The algorithm has been implemented as a beam search heuristic enumerating alternative sets of precedence relationships.


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