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A dynamic programming method for matching rail-track monitoring data
Touw J. van der
A commonly used method of monitoring the condition of rail track is to run an...
A numerical study of the optimal geometric design of speed control humps
Khorshid Emad
The aim of the present paper is to find an optimum speed control hump geometric design...
Comparison of models for optimal operation of multiquality water supply networks
Shamir Uri
The solution of models for the optimal operation of multiquality networks is difficult...
Technology-driven and model-driven approaches to group decision support: focus, research philosophy, and key concepts
Ackermann Fran
There are (at least) two distinct traditions within group decision support: what we...
An architecture for an intelligent support system for design validation and manufacturing of aerospace components
Darzentas John
This paper presents the architecture of a multi-agent system that aims to support the...
Validation of decision-aiding spreadsheets: the influence of contingency factors
Wilson J.M.
This paper describes an investigation into the influence of contingency factors on the...
Group cognitive mapping: a methodology and system for capturing and evaluating managerial and organizational cognition
Tegarden David P.
Organizations would like to capture and merge the perceptions of key individuals into...
Design and development of a fuzzy expert system for hotel selection
Ngai E.W.T.
In this paper, we describe the research and development of a fuzzy expert system for...
Solving nesting problems with non-convex polygons by constraint logic programming
Oliveira J.F.
In this paper an application of constraint logic programming (CLP) to the resolution...
Optimum design of neural networks for a nonlinear flight control system
Kim Youdan
The architecture and weights of neural networks are optimized to design a nonlinear...
A multi-attribute motivational model of consumer choice based on a new outranking relation
Tavares L. Valadares
Multiple models have been proposed to describe different patterns of consumer...
A greedy search for the three-dimensional bin packing problem: the packing static stability case
Maculan N.
We suggest a greedy search heuristic for solving the three-dimensional bin packing...
On the maximum benefit Chinese postman problem
Wang K.H.
The Maximum Benefit Chinese Postman Problem (MBCPP) is a practical generalization of...
A note on activity floats in activity-on-arrow networks
Zhao T.
In project scheduling, the free float (slack) of an activity represents the leeway for...
Development of an efficient algorithm for global optimization by simplex elimination
Oh Seung Hwan
An efficient multi-start algorithm for global optimization is developed by introducing...
A different view of ridge analysis from numerical optimization
Fan Shu-Kai S.
This research falls into the gap between applied statistics and numerical optimization...
Simulation response optimization via an alternating variable method
Chen Shih-Pin
Simulation response optimization has wide applications for management of systems that...
A co-evolutionary method for pursuit–evasion games with non-zero lethal radii
Tahk Min-Jea
This study suggests a co-evolutionary method for solving pursuit–evasion games...
Design centering and polyhedral region approximation via parallel-cuts ellipsoidal technique
Hassan A.S.O.
A new technique for constructing a polyhedral approximation of the feasible region and...
Robust economic optimization of process design under uncertainty
Lee Tai-Yong
In this study, ranges of model parameters are analyzed for robustness measures. In...
Hybrid-coded crossover for binary-coded genetic algorithms in constrained optimization
Lin Chyi-Yeu
The success of genetic searches greatly depends on appropriate selections for many...
Application of chance-constrained programming based on multi-objective simulated annealing to solve a mineral blending problem
Kumral Mustafa
This paper addresses the optimal blending of different available ores in such a way...
An exact algorithm for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem
Fujie Tetsuya
Given a connected graph, the Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree Problem (MLSTP) is to find a...
Solving bicriteria 0–1 knapsack problems using a labeling algorithm
Captivo M. Eugnia
This paper examines the performances of a new labeling algorithm to find all the...
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