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District design for arc-routing applications
Cattrysse Dirk
In this paper we address the problem of district design for the organisation of...
A distance learning approach to teaching management science and statistics
Lawrence John
Although there is no universal approach for offering distance learning courses over...
A new hybrid genetic algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
Berger J.
Recently proved successful for variants of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) involving...
The intellectual journey of Russell Ackoff: from OR apostle to OR apostate
Kirby M.W.
Russell Ackoff has had a distinguished career in operational research both as an...
A synthesis of assignment and heuristic solutions for vehicle routing with time windows
Ioannou George
This paper proposes a three-stage method for the vehicle-routing problem with time...
Are European information systems journals under-rated? An answer based on citation analysis
Katerattanakul Pairin
A concern that the quality of European IS journals has been under-rated by existing...
A problem generator–solver heuristic for vehicle routing with soft time windows
Ioannou George
In this paper we consider the vehicle routing problem with soft time window...
Foresight and governance: a problem-oriented methodology (GOVSIGHT)
Tavares L. Valadares
A problem-oriented methodology for technology foresight is proposed in this paper...
On deriving and validating comparative statics of a symmetric model of advertising competition
Mesak Hani I.
In this article, a market share attraction model is estimated using a data set of six...
Process of organizational problem definition: how to evaluate and how to improve
Bykdamgac Gldal
Managerial problem solvers need to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of their...
Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: an application to international agriculture
Braunschweig Thomas
In order to strengthen research coordination and increase the effectiveness of...
Simple model of resource degradation and agricultural productivity in a subsistence economy
Sylwester Kevin
Resource degradation poses problems in many developing countries. In the model...
Consumer search in electronic markets: an experimental analysis of travel services
rni Anssi
Electronic markets are frequently touted to be highly efficient. The prevailing...
Understanding online purchase intentions: contributions from technology and trust perspectives
Heijden Hans van der
This paper explores factors that influence consumer's intentions to purchase online at...
Business use of Internet-based information systems: the case of Korea
Lee Sangjae
The potential of the Internet to reach a large and growing body of customers, coupled...
Group prioritization in the analytic hierarchy process by fuzzy preference programming method
Mikhailov L.
In this paper we propose a new group fuzzy preference programming (GFPP) method for...
Personality traits and effectiveness of presentation of product information in e-business systems
Ramamurthy K.
Consumer interaction with product information is one of the critical components in...
Inconsistent and contradictory judgements in pairwise comparison method in the analytic hierarchy process
Kwiesielewicz Miroslaw
The aim of this paper is to show the relationship between inconsistent and...
Online auctions, messaging, communication and social facilitation: a simulation and experimental evidence
Rafaeli S.
This is a study of social facilitation effects in online auctions. We focus on the...
Managing document categories in e-commerce environments: an evolution-based approach
Wei C.-P.
Management of textual documents obtained from various online sources represents a...
The development of two tools for measuring the easiness and usefulness of transactional Web sites
Aladwani A.M.
The worldwide diffusion of Electronic Commerce shifts the exchange relationship...
The role of dynamic capabilities in e-business transformation
Daniel Elizabeth M.
The domain of e-business is characterised by rapid change and in such markets managers...
Scanbacks and direct rebates: manufacturer's tools against forward buying
Arcelus F.J.
This paper evaluates the role of trade incentives specifically designed to fight...
Investigating buyer and seller strategies in online auctions
Brint A.T.
The annual turnover of online auctions is already in tens of billions of dollars and...
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