Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Optimal bandwith allocation for bandwidth adaptation in wireless multimedia networks
The concept of bandwidth adaptation which additionally allocates the terminated...
Modeling dialup internet access: an examination of user-to-modem ratios, blocking probability, and capacity planning in a modem pool
In the near future, dialup connections will remain as one of the most popular methods...
A hybrid algorithm for the two-dimensional layout problem: the cases of regular and irregular shapes
The two-dimensional layout (TDL) optimization problem consists of finding the minimal...
The skiving stock problem as a counterpart of the cutting stock problem
The cutting stock problem (CSP) is a particular case of the set-covering problem....
Productivity breakdown of the information and computing technology industries across countries
In this paper, we measure productivity growth of the information and computing...
Rolling element bearing design through genetic algorithms
The design of rolling element bearings has been a challenging task in the field of...
Minimax portfolio optimization: empirical numerical study
In this paper, we carry out the empirical numerical study of the l ∞ portfolio...
Evaluating consumer loans using neural networks
A number of credit-scoring models that accurately classify consumer loan applications...
Short-term harvest planning including scheduling of harvest crews
The problem we consider is short-term harvesting planning for a total planning period...
A solution approach for log truck scheduling based on composite pricing and branch and bound
The log truck scheduling problem is one of the most complex routing problems where...
Managing the future forest resource through designer trees
With today's tree improvement technology coupled with knowledge of the influence of...
Non-linear matrix modeling of forest growth with permanent plot data: The case of uneven-aged Douglas-fir stands
Uneven-aged forest management is acquiring increasing importance throughout the world...
Modeling alternative zoning strategies in forest management
To satisfy public demands for environmental values, forest companies are facing the...
Can mature patch constraints mitigate the fragmenting effects of harvest opening size restrictions?
Harvest scheduling models often include maximum harvest opening size constraints, a...
A role for stakeholder objectives in USDA Forest Service plan revisions: A case study on the White River National Forest
In August 1999, The White River National Forest, headquartered in Glenwood Springs,...
The Golden Circle: a way of arguing and acting about technology in the London Ambulance Service
This paper analyses the way in which the London Ambulance Service recovered from the...
Constructing nurse schedules at large hospitals
Several heuristics, based on evolutive algorithms and local search, are used to solve...
The use of problem structuring methods in strategic health planning
Problem structuring methods have emerged as a powerful weapon in the armoury of...
Conditional phase-type distributions for modelling patient length of stay in hospital
The proportion of elderly in the population is continuing to increase, placing...
Solving a home-care districting problem in an urban setting
This article describes a districting study undertaken for the Côte-des-Neiges...
Emergency and on-demand health care: modelling a large complex system
This paper describes how system dynamics was used as a central part of a whole-system...
Immersive drama: testing health systems
This paper describes a workshop-based process bringing together for the first time two...
Traffic congestion and trucking managers' use of automated routing and scheduling
Using data from a 2001 survey of managers of 700 trucking companies operating in...
Mixed truck delivery systems with both hub-and-spoke and direct shipment
This paper studies a mixed truck delivery system that allows both hub-and-spoke and...
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