Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
A consumption system model integrating quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in online shopping
A consumption system has two constitutive dimensions: the structural elements and the...
National characteristics: innovation systems from the process efficiency perspective
This study compares the innovation system characteristics of 40 countries from the...
The relationship between organisational orientation and research and development/technology commercialisation performance
This paper explores organisational orientations related to research and...
Hidden-City Ticketing: The Cause and Impact
Hidden‐city ticketing is an interesting airline ticket‐pricing...
A Dynamic Formulation for Car Ownership Modeling
Discrete choice models are commonly used in transportation planning and modeling, but...
The Effect of Social Interaction on Economic Transactions: Evidence from Changes in Two Retail Formats
Examining changes in two different retail formats, we show that consumers alter their...
When Should Firms Expose Themselves to Risk?
I analyze a firm making a decision whether to expose itself to risk in an exogenous...
Use of Insurance Against a Small Loss as an Incentive Strategy
The success of extended warranties and buyer protection plans suggests that insurance...
Position Effects in Search Advertising and their Moderators: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
We investigate the causal effect of position in search engine advertising listings on...
Television Advertising and Online Shopping
Media multitasking competes with television advertising for consumers’...
Product and Pricing Decisions in Crowdfunding
This paper studies the optimal product and pricing decisions in a crowdfunding...
A Tailor-Made Test of Intransitive Choice
This paper reports a new test of intransitive choice using individual measurements of...
Initial Shipment Decisions for New Products at Zara
Given uncertain popularity of new products by location, fast fashion retailer Zara...
Error Theory for Elimination by Aspects
Elimination by aspects (EBA) is a random utility model that is considered to represent...
Measuring the Benefit of Offering Auxiliary Services: Do Bag-Checkers Differ in Their Sensitivities to Airline Itinerary Attributes?
When firms evaluate their service system design choices, there is typically more...
Knowing What Your Customer Wants: Improving Inventory Allocation Decisions in Online Movie Rental Systems
In Online Movie Rental Systems, customer desire to rent can often be observed before...
Consumer preferences for organic production methods and origin promotions on ornamental plants: evidence from eye-tracking experiments
The strategic value of organic production and origin promotions may vary based on...
Formation and adaptation of reference prices in grain marketing: an experimental study
This study aimed to explore how producers’ reference prices are formed and adapt...
Supply Chain Structure Incentives for Corporate Social Responsibility: An Incomplete Contracting Analysis
Downstream firms increasingly recognize the importance of integrating social and...
Gray Markets and Supply Chain Incentives
‘Gray markets’ are unauthorized channels that distribute a branded product...
Hubs versus Airport Dominance
We address the issue of the sources of dominant airlines' pricing power by separating...
Bargaining powers of buyers and sellers on the online diamond market: a double perspective non-parametric analysis
This paper investigates the relative efficiency of buyers and sellers on the online...
Mean-Field Game Modeling the Bandwagon Effect with Activation Costs
This paper provides a mean‐field game theoretic model of the bandwagon effect...
E-retailing of restaurant services: pricing strategies in a competing online environment
Establishing online channels and providing online discounts by building business...
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