Journal: Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science

Found 184 papers in total
Performance optimization of an industrial final test area by means of a simulation driven scheduling package
Simulation based scheduling is one of the scheduling approaches that has recently...
Using metaheuristics in solving dispatching problems
This paper presents some aspects of delivery routes organization in companies. It also...
Interest rate term structure estimation with polynomial splines on the forward rate curve
A method is presented to estimate the forward rate curve in a continuous framework by...
Availability of three-machine two-buffer systems
The flow-shop studied consists of three machines arranged in series through which...
Evaluating operating and maintenance rules through XCell simulation
Historically, simulation has been used primarily as a planning tool for new projects...
Optimizing input rates to manufacturing cells in a production system
A manufacturing system that can produce multiple part types generates inputs, at a...
Optimization of production scheduling in a plastics processing industry
Isofoam S.A. is a company specialized since 1980 in manufacturing insulating boards...
Credit grace periods for one-time-only sales
Periods of sluggish demand and/or poor sales forecasts often leadsto build-ups of...
A faster variant of the Gilmore and Gomory technique for cutting stock problems
In 1961 Gilmore and Gomory proposed the delayed column generation technique for the...
Flexible manufacturing: Concepts and models
This paper gives an overview of issues related to the implementation of flexible...
Minimization of the number of tool switches on a flexible manufacturing machine
The paper considers the problem of sequencing a set of jobs on a single machine having...
Ant system for job-shop scheduling
The study of natural processes has inspired several heuristic optimization algorithms...
Armijo-type condition for the determination of a Generalized Cauchy Point in trust region algorithms using exact or inexact projections on convex constraints
This paper considers some aspects of two classes of trust region methods for solving...
Transportation models for supporting location dependent manure policy
Transportation models (solved with the LP technique) are often used to describe the...
More on the minimality of search paths under continuous univariate distributions
A searcher looks for a stationary target on a line. The target’s position is...
An operations management approach to perturbation analysis
Perturbation analysis of discrete event systems is one of the most promising theories...
Dynamic oligopoly with complete information
Linear multiproduct oligopoly markets are examined in a dynamic framework, in which...
Sampled autocorrelations from an integrated ARMA process
The paper investigates the behaviour of the lag- k sample serial correlation , for...
A new fundamental preference structure: Threshold order
The authors present a new preference structure which may be considered as a...
Solving a manpower planning problem using constraint programming
Constraint programming is a powerful technique for solving combinatorial problems. We...
Solving an urban routing problem using heuristics: A successful case study
Practical routing problems involving the distribution or collection of products,...
Automatic graph drawing
This paper is devoted to the puzzling problem of automatic drawing of nice graphs. The...
Approximating the optimal solution of some hard graph problems by a Boltzmann machine
The authors study the experimental approximated solutions of three famous NP-complete...
The Grouping Genetic Algorithms: Widening the scope of the GAs
An important class of computational problems are grouping problems, where the aim is...
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