Journal: Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science

Found 184 papers in total
Solving real-life combinatorial optimization problems using simulated annealing
Two real-life optimization problems, having combinatorial properties and with the same...
Solving a real world project scheduling problem with a genetic approach
This work is related to a project scheduling problem encountered in the Technical...
A job shop scheduling with set-up time
Job shop scheduling is a well-known NP-hard problem. This paper considers such a...
A minimax assignment problem on a linear communication network
A system of n communication centres is considered. The communication centres are to be...
Multiple criteria estimation procedure for nonlinear regression models
The authors consider the problem of estimating the parameters of the nonlinear...
An efficient tool for vectorizing a computer system
This paper presents an efficient method that improves some procedures developed for...
Concentration and diversity measures: Dependence on the number of classes
The paper investigates which requirements inequality measures measures must meet, in...
A discrete-time batch Markovian arrival process as B-ISDN traffic model
A class of versatile discrete-time Markovian arriaval processes (D-BMAP’s) is...
Optimal control of the degree of multiprogramming in a computer system
This paper deals with an optimal control problem in a multiprogrammed computer system....
Transformation of two-dimensional unconstrained cutting problems into a set of one-dimensional kanpsack problems
An algorithm is given for a two-dimensional cutting problem. The cuts are supposed to...
Sensitivity analysis of spatial price equilibrium: An application to the European Community’s feed grain market
Despite the fact that the theory of spatially separated markets is well known,...
General local search heuristics in combinatorial optimization: A tutorial
The paper presents four general heuristic search strategies that can in principle be...
A heuristic based on simulated annealing for solving linear programming problems with logical constraints
Several problems such as blending problems, bundle pricing problems, logic design and...
Simulated annealing improving nuclear fuel manufacturing
The homogenization of the characteristics of various assemblies of components used for...
Computational investigations on 3-dimensional axial assignment problems
Branch-and-bound approaches for axial three-dimensional assignment problems are...
A parallel branch-and-bound method for a network design problem
A general parallel branch-and-bound system has been developed on a Sequent Balance....
Construction of exact D-optimal designs for linear regression models using genetic algorithms
This paper reports the application of generic algorithms to the construction of exact...
An example of chromatic scheduling
A brief description is given of an application of chromatic scheduling in chemical...
Using operations research and numerical analysis techniques for the simulation and the optimization of macroeconometric models
The paper analyzes methods for solving and optimizing deterministic nonlinear discrete...
The stationarity of CAPM-beta in a changing economic environment
A theoretical multi-factor return generating process of securities is specified by...
Public waste collection: A case study
This paper deals with the waste collection in the N.E. area of Brussels. It summarizes...
Preference relations in multicriterion analysis under risk
A stochastic multicriterion problem in a risk aversion context is defined by a finite...
Another counterexample to the rank-colouring conjecture
Alan and Seymour’s procedure is extended to find a counterexample of the...
Modelling the subscriber network in rural telephone planning-A clustering algorithm
The planning of telecommunication networks is a problem of great importance, because...
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