Journal: Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science

Found 184 papers in total
Application of Neuts’ method to vacation models with bulk arrivals
This paper studies a single server infinity capacity queueing system with Poisson...
A variation of Graham’s LPT-algorithm
The authors consider the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs nonpreemptively on m...
The impact of conflicting interest on the choice of an appointments system
The paper considers the scheduling of appointments consisting of two parts (labelled...
On tests concerning the existence of a classification
In 1983, A. Hardy proposed a new k- clustering procedure based on the thoery of...
Repairable item inventory systems: A literature review
This review covers the materials found in recent literature for the management of...
On discrete-in-time probabilistic scheduling period inventory system for deteriorating items with instantaneous demand
A probabilistic scheduling period inventory system is considered for continuously...
PCCA and k-dominance in MCDM
This article reviews some features of binary dominance and strict dominance relations...
Scheduling unit-length two-machine flow shop under arbitrary precedence constraints
The two-machine flow shop system is considered. Every task performed in the system...
A stochastic model of organizational choice
This paper proposes a computer model of organizational choices based on the garbage...
Modelling corporate vulnerability: Yet another empirical attempt
This paper argues that potential weaknesses of MDA could be avoided by using the...
Independent characteristics of the firm: A factor-analytic approach using Belgian accounting and advertising data
Financial ratios are used essentially to control for firm size and industry effects. A...
Optimization of the order of service
The paper is concerned with optimal waiting discipline in a network with feedback,...
Remark on ‘On vacation models with bulk arrivals’
For the bulk arrival M/G/1 queueing model with a general exhaustive service vacation...
Assessing a venture capital institution’s preference model using multicriteria analysis
The paper provides a methodology which allows venture capitalists to structure their...
The p-center problem in Rn with weighted Tchebycheff norms
In this paper, the p- center problem in R n is studied when distances are measured by...
Unilateral ARMA lattice processes
A recent paper by Aroian and Sharp discusses unilateral autoregressive-moving average...
Some remarks on the paper of R.J. Martin entitled ‘Unilateral ARMA lattice processes’
The author ‘discusses briefly the points of view of many who have and will be...
Earnings transfer function modeling efficiency
In this study the efficiency of the transfer function relationship between earnings...
A hotelling model with differential weights and moving costs
This paper examines a competitive spatial model on a linear market. The two competing...
Unemployment and unemployment insurance: Is there a causal link?
Despite a massive literature on the relationship between the liberality of...
Dynamic oligopoly with complete information
Linear multiproduct oligopoly markets are examined in a dynamic framework, in which...
Application of multicriteria analysis in the environmental impact report for the High Speed Train
The aim of the environmental impact report for the High Speed Train through Belgium is...
The demand for cars of different sizes in Belgium-A market share approach
The paper focuses upon the modelisation of car demand structure. A market share model...
A special decomposition of linear systems
Special decompositions of linear systems are analysed. These verticum-type systems are...
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