Journal: Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science

Found 184 papers in total
Comparison of two algorithms for the search of shortest routes in urban networks
This paper presents an application of the so-called ‘auction algorithm’ by...
Interior-point methods for linear programming: A guided tour
The purpose of mathematical programming, a branch of optimization, is to minimize (or...
The movie cassette rental problem
This paper considers a video store confronted with deciding upon an ordering policy...
Bipolar ranking from pairwise fuzzy outrankings
We propose to apply the concept of L-valued kernels to the problem of constructing a...
Penalties method for integer linear fractional programs
In the present paper a new algorithm is developed for solving integer linear...
The maximum line length problem
We consider a queueing system, which is constituted by a set of M / M /1...
Performance analysis of mean-semivariances portfolios models applied to the Belgian stock market
In this paper, an application of large scale portfolio optimization problems based on...
Decomposition estimation: A generalized linear model based technique for fitting multi-linear regression models to grouped data in GLIM 4
Fitting regression models with GLIM is being approached in many different ways if...
Contribution to scheduling software for flexible workshops: Implementation of a repair system
Over the past few years, the Laboratory of Mathematics and Operational Research of the...
Qualitative possibility theory and its applications to reasoning and decision under uncertainty
Possibility theory was coined by L.A. Zadeh in the late seventies as an approach to...
Twenty years of fuzzy preference structures (1978–1997)
The aim of this paper is to summarize the historical development of the concept of a...
Fuzzy multi-objective linear programming
The paper presents an overview of methods for solving three classes of fuzzy...
Fuzzy control versus conventional control
Conventional control systems are based on mathematical control laws for continuous...
Fuzzy logic in nuclear engineering
Nuclear engineering is one of the areas with a large potential for applications of...
Constraint Programming
There has been a lot of interest lately from people solving constrained optimization...
Constraint satisfaction and combinatorial optimization
The concept of constraints is the classical tool of the knowledge representation in...
Rough set theory and its applications to decision aid
The aim of this paper is to make a short overview of recent developments of the rough...
On the convexity of some simple functions of ordered samples
We consider the convexity of some simple functions on ordered samples of real values.
Goal programming approaches for priorities in Saaty's analytic hierarchy process
A variety of alternative estimation procedures have been proposed, from the use of...
Neural networks and statistics: A naive comparison
A naive comparison of artificial neural networks (NNs) and statistical methods is...
A colourful look on evolutionary techniques
Evolutionary techniques are solution methods inspired from natural evolution. They...
Lagrangean relaxation: A short course
This paper presents the necessary background for understanding and designing efficient...
A note on logic cuts and valid inequalities for certain standard (0–1) integer programs
A recent development in (0–1) integer programming has been the use of logic...
Large-scale nonlinear optimization and the LANCELOT package
This paper presents a general introduction to the optimization methods which form the...
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