Journal: Decision Support Systems

Found 1062 papers in total
An e-customer behavior model with online analytical mining for internet marketing planning
In the digital market, attracting sufficient online traffic in a business to customer...
Spatial decision support for assisted housing mobility counseling
This paper presents a prototype spatial decision support system (SDSS) that enables...
Rule identification from Web pages by the XRML approach
In the world of Web pages, there are oceans of documents in natural language texts and...
Meeting the challenges of knowledge management at the Housing and Development Board
In recent years, there has been increased emphasis on the importance of knowledge...
The use of a knowledge-based system in conceptual data modeling
Based on a study of the data modeling process of novice designers, and the errors they...
A framework for organizing the space of decision problems with application to solving subjective, context-dependent problems
Developing Decision Support Systems (DSS) is a difficult task, prone to errors and...
Searching for information in a time-pressured setting: experiences with a Text-based and an Image-based decision support system
Searching for the right information and making quick, accurate decisions within...
A scalable decision tree system and its application in pattern recognition and intrusion detection
One of the most challenging problems in data mining is to develop scalable algorithms...
MOPEN: A computational package for linear multiobjective and goal programming problems
MOPEN is a computational package designed as a global tool for Linear Multiobjective...
Extending Unbounded Systems thinking with agent-oriented modeling: conceptualizing a multiple perspective decision-making support system
Organizations today face complex decision-making environments in which multiple...
Hybrid approaches for classification under information acquisition cost constraint
We address a problem of classification with information acquisition cost constraint...
Matching intermediaries for information goods in the presence of direct search: an examination of switching costs and obsolescence of information
This paper investigates patterns of revenues earned by an intermediary that matches...
Knowledge management-centric help desk: Specification and performance evaluation
The technology help desk function has grown in importance as information technology...
Developing e-Negotiation support with a meta-modeling approach in a Web services environment
Motivated by frequently repeated activities of negotiating similar sales contracts and...
On-demand business collaboration enablement with web services
Businesses are increasingly outsourcing key operations and interacting with ever...
Fuzzy decision support system for manufacturing facilities layout planning
Manufacturing facility layout problem is an unstructured decision-making problem due...
Web services and process management: A union of convenience or a new area of research?
Two recent trends are reshaping the research landscape in business process management....
Effective profiling of consumer information retrieval needs: A unified framework and empirical comparison
Due to the overwhelming volume of information that is increasingly available, many...
An effective customization procedure with configurable standard models
In electronic catalogs, commodities such as computers and electronic equipment are...
Dynamic modeling of a disturbance in a multiagent system for traffic regulation
This paper presents the modeling of a disturbance on a public transportation line. The...
Assessing the impact of internet agent on end users' performance
Intelligent software agents that can perform tasks on the user's behalf independently...
Organizational memory information systems: a transactive memory approach
Effective management of organizational memory (OM) is critical to collaboration and...
Utilizing knowledge context in virtual collaborative work
The understanding of knowledge can be impaired it if is isolated from the proper...
Newsmap: a knowledge map for online news
Information technology has made possible the capture and accessing of a large number...
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