Journal: Decision Support Systems

Found 1062 papers in total
Trust and conflict within virtual inter-organizational alliances: a framework for facilitating knowledge sharing
Trust and conflict are inherent issues of any organizational arrangement and central...
A new collaborative system framework based on a multiple perspective approach: InteliTeam
This study develops a Web-based collaborative system framework based on a multiple...
Frame-based argumentation for group decision task generation and identification
One of the most important stages of group decision-making is the generation and...
Multicriterion genetic optimization for due date assigned distribution network problems
This paper focuses on the demand due date factor in multiechelon distribution network...
Monte Carlo approximation in incomplete information, sequential auction games
We model sequential, possibly multiunit, sealed bid auctions as a sequential game with...
Walverine: a Walrasian trading agent
TAC-02 was the third in a series of Trading Agent Competition events fostering...
The Shapley–Shubik power index for games with several levels of approval in the input and output
Voting systems with several levels of approval in the input and output are considered...
Mechanism design for software agents with complete information
We investigate the mechanism design problem when the agents and the mechanism have...
Agent learning in supplier selection models
We use agent-based modeling to study the performance of a supplier selection model,...
Robust double auction protocol against false-name bids
In this paper, we develop a new double auction protocol called the Threshold Price...
A distance function to support optimized selection decisions
Decision-makers often want to see a diverse collection of good solutions in addition...
Stochastic ordering and robustness in classification from a Bayesian network
Consider a model-based decision support system where all the variables involved are...
A decision support system for operations in a container terminal
We describe a variety of inter-related decisions made during daily operations at a...
A decision support system for analysing the impact of water restriction policies
The overall objective of the ‘Design of a Integrated Ground Water Management...
Using fuzzy repertory table-based technique for decision support
This paper is mainly concerned with the extension of fuzzy repertory table technique...
A hybrid analytic/rule-based approach to reservoir system management during flood
The article presents an approach to real-time operation of a water retention reservoir...
A multi-dimensional fuzzy decision support strategy
Based on the theory of fuzzy pattern recognition and fuzzy optimization, this paper...
Multi-period design of survivable wireless access networks under capacity constraints
Design of survivable wireless access networks plays a key role in the overall design...
An anonymous and failure resilient fair-exchange e-commerce protocol
In an electronic commerce environment, the merchant and the customer are unlikely to...
Model checking for design and assurance of e-Business processes
Use of the Internet for electronic business has the potential to revolutionize the way...
An experimental investigation of web-based information systems success in the context of electronic commerce
In this paper, we examined web-based information systems success and focused on User...
Trust in inter-organizational exchanges: a case study in business to business electronic commerce
Given the uncertainties of online transactions, e-commerce encourages the creation of...
An organizational decision support system for effective R&D project selection
Research and development (R&D) project selection is an important task for...
An intelligent decision support system for service network planning
The joint use of an optimization model and a simulation model as a two-stage...
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