Journal: Decision Support Systems

Found 1062 papers in total
Adoption of electronic trading at the International Securities Exchange
Information technology is transforming financial trading, lowering costs, and...
A hedonic study of network effects in the market for word processing software
We investigate the effects of various quality attributes and network-specific features...
Intelligent agents in electronic markets for information goods: customization, preference revelation and pricing
Electronic commerce has enabled the use of intelligent agent technologies that can...
Agent-intermediated electronic markets in international freight transportation
In many industries, agent-intermediated markets are inefficient because information...
The influence of governance equilibrium on enterprise resource planning (ERP) project success
As the ERP adopter and ERP consultancy combine their efforts and resources to achieve...
Spatial analysis with preference specification of latent decision makers for criminal event prediction
Spatial analysis looks for statistically significant patterns in observed events that...
Model alignment of anthrax attack simulations
This paper describes our experience aligning two simulation models of disease...
On the supply function equilibrium and its applications in electricity markets
The paper deals with the Supply Function Equilibrium as a model of competition in...
Price strategies in dynamic duopolistic markets with deregulated electricity supplies using mixed strategies
While effective competition can force service providers to seek economically efficient...
Incentive control of spinning reserve in electricity multi-markets
Reliable and efficient operation of deregulated electricity markets requires supply...
Optimal capacity expansion in the presence of capacity options
This paper studies optimal long-term electric power capacity strategies with capacity...
Identification of load pockets and market power in electric power systems
In this paper, we present a spectral method for the identification of load pockets and...
Market power and welfare effects in DC power flow electricity models with thermal line losses
A nodal electric power network with Cournot–Nash interaction among power...
Location-based scheduling and pricing for energy and reserves: a responsive reserve market proposal
It is well known that given a network that can become constrained on voltage or real...
An electricity market game between consumers, retailers and network operators
We consider a simple game-theoretical model in which an electricity retailer and a...
Controlling power systems with price signals
This paper revisits the possibility of controlling the power system entirely by means...
A method for classifying offer strategies observed in an electricity market
The idea that large-scale generating units will operate at marginal cost when given...
Levy process-driven mean-reverting electricity price model: the marginal distribution analysis
We propose a class of stochastic mean-reverting models for electricity prices with...
Mining web navigations for intelligence
The Internet is one of the fastest growing areas of intelligence gathering. We present...
An outlier-based data association method for linking criminal incidents
Serial criminals are a major threat in the modern society. Associating incidents...
Fighting cybercrime: a review and the Taiwan experience
Cybercrime is becoming ever more serious. Findings from the 2002 Computer Crime and...
Process-driven collaboration support for intra-agency crime analysis
In law enforcement applications, there is a critical need for new tools that can...
Agents with shared mental models for enhancing team decision makings
Proactive information sharing is a challenging issue faced by intelligence agencies in...
Matching information security vulnerabilities to organizational security profiles: A genetic algorithm approach
Organizations are making substantial investments in information security to reduce the...
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