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Journal: Decision Support Systems
1062 papers
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Agent-oriented compositional approaches to services-based cross-organizational workflow
Blake M. Brian
With the sophistication and maturity of distributed component-based services and...
Meta workflows as a control and coordination mechanism for exception handling in workflow systems
Kumar Akhil
A higher level control and coordination mechanism is required for exception handling...
Bidding strategies in dynamic electricity markets
Kian Ashkan R.
In this paper the problem of developing bidding strategies for the participants of...
Developing web services choreography standards – the case of REST vs. SOAP
Muehlen Michael zur
This paper presents a case study of the development of standards in the area of...
Can we prevent the gaming of ramp constraints?
Oren Shmuel S.
Some electric power markets allow bidders to specify constraints on ramp rates for...
On financial transmission rights and market power
Pritchard Geoffrey
This paper studies financial transmission rights in electricity pool markets with...
The e-OCEA project: Towards an Internet decision system for scheduling problems
Proust C.
This paper deals with an Internet decision support system for scheduling problems....
A multidimensional trust formation model in B-to-C e-commerce: A conceptual framework and content analyses of academia/practitioner perspectives
Rao H.R.
What dimensions can be identified in the trust formation processes in...
A study on decision factors in adopting an online stock trading system by brokers in Taiwan
Yen David C.
With the influence of the Internet booming and global competition expanding,...
Pricing strategies in B2C electronic commerce: Analytical and empirical approaches
Kim Jae-Cheol
Although electronic commerce is regarded as a revolution that has transformed the...
A relational database approach to a linear programming-based decision support system for production planning in secondary wood product manufacturing
Farrell Ross R.
Secondary manufacturers in the forest products industry face a complex production...
Incorporating an ethical perspective into problem formulation: Implications for decision support systems design
Courtney James F.
As organizations become ever larger and increasingly complex, they become more reliant...
Fuzzy decision support system for risk analysis in e-commerce development
Ngai E.W.T.
This paper describes the development of a fuzzy decision support system (FDSS) for the...
On quantified weighted MAX-SAT
Mali Amol Dattatraya
In this paper, we introduce quantified weighted MAX-SAT (Q-W-MAX-SAT) as the problem...
Decision support system induced guidance for model formulation and solution
Rolland Erik
One of the critical functions of a Decision Support System (DSS) is to provide system...
Model management decision environment: A Web service prototype for spreadsheet models
Lenard Melanie L.
In the modern day, digital enterprise data and models are widely distributed....
Using 3D interfaces to facilitate the spatial knowledge retrieval: A geo-referenced knowledge repository system
Chen Hsinchun
Retrieving knowledge from a knowledge repository includes both the process of finding...
Integration of ART2 neural network and genetic K-means algorithm for analyzing Web browsing paths in electronic commerce
Kuo R.J.
Neural networks and genetic algorithms are useful for clustering analysis in data...
Optimal location and pricing of Web services intermediary
Cheng Hsing Kenneth
The Web services technology allows for the distribution and integration of loosely...
A Web services-enabled marketplace architecture for negotiation process management
Segev Arie
As the eBusiness environment becomes more pervasive and dynamic, negotiations between...
Market basket analysis in a multiple store environment
Tang Kwei
Market basket analysis (also known as association-ruling mining) is a useful method of...
Design and evaluation of an intelligent decision support system for nuclear emergencies
French S.
Intelligent Decision Support Systems (DSSs) use expert systems technology to enhance...
Information assurance metric development framework for electronic bill presentment and payment systems using transaction and workflow analysis
Gupta M.
One of the fastest growing applications in the banking arena is Electronic Bill...
Visualizing criminal relationships: comparison of a hyperbolic tree and a hierarchical list
Chen Hsinchun
In crime analysis, law enforcement officials have to process a large amount of...
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