Journal: Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Found 115 papers in total
Algorithm and practice of forecasting technological substitutions with data-based transformed models
The S-shaped growth curves such as Gompertz, Fisher-Pry (logistic), normal, and...
Structural change and competitiveness: The U.S. semiconductor industry
The considerable attention given to restoring the U.S. semiconductor industry to a...
Technological substitution: A framework of stochastic models
A basic framework for a stochastic substitution model is developed. The model...
Recruitment and accomplishment in fundamental science
By focusing on productivity in fundamental science and on the costs of realization of...
Technological transformations and long waves. Part I
Although empirical evidence of ‘long waves’ in economic activity has...
Conservation programs can cut load-growth uncertainty for electric utilities
Electric utilities face a variety of uncertainties that complicate their long-term...
The dynamics of primary energy substitution
The historical data for world market penetrations of different primary energy sectors...
Technological transformations and long waves. Part II
See previous abstract.
Leapfrogging in switching systems
The rapid emergence of new technologies has increased the rate of obsolescence. This...
Institutional ownership and corporate R&D investment: A multi-industry study
This paper describes a study of the effect of institutional ownership on corporate...
Revisiting causality in system dynamics and KSIM models
This paper discusses causality as characterized in system dynamics and KSIM models,...
Transitions: The synergistic impacts of major technologies in the twenty-second century and beyond
This essay attempts to give an overview of what the author anticipates to be a major...
Long run patterns of corporate R&D expenditure: A descriptive analysis of the period 1965 to 1984
This paper examines two decades of R&D performance (1965-1984) for seven...
Market discontinuities and strategic planning: A research agenda
A research agenda for market discontinuities and strategic research is presented.
Twenty years of Technological Forecasting and Social Change
An appreciation of the first twenty years of Technological Forecasting and Social...
Forecasting and planning today plus or minus twenty years
Forecasting, planning, the applications of futures research, and the awareness of the...
Futures research: Did I meet its promises? Can it meet its promise?
The reader is first asked to go back with the author for a moment to 1963, the year in...
Reflections on the past and future of the future
This anniversary is an occasion for celebrating what has been done, but also for...
Future’s futures
While mankind’s fascination with the future dates back as far as history, the...
A note on what we have learned about the methods of futures planning
In the last decade or two, perhaps the most important trend in the use of futures...
The future of technological forecasting
Better methods of forecasting and planning for the future are needed now as never...
Gaining a sense of direction in futures work
Futures have always existed, from the Book of Genesis and Cassandra’s warnings,...
Forecasting and planning in an incoherent context
What is said here concerning the predicament of forecasts and planning is subject to...
Policy reasoning for forecasting
Many years of work in policy planning, both theoretic and applied, have led the author...
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