Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
A proposed foundation for a theory of combat
Physical phenomena and the structure of corresponding theories are used as a guide to...
Attrition formulas for deterministic models of large-scale combat
This article describes attrition formulas that (a) consider area fire and point fire,...
On weapons scores and force strengths
Quantitative comparisons of the combat forces on two opposing sides are virtually...
Efficient concentration of forces, or how to fight outnumbered and win
The dramatic outcome of Operation Desert Storm has caused a paradigm shift in military...
Termination decision rules in combat attrition models
Attrition or ratio of force strengths have usually been considered as factors...
‘The Influence of the Numerical Strength of Opposed Forces on Their Casualties’, by M. Osipov
This is an English translation of the five-part series of articles that M. Osipov...
A modified Lanchester linear process calibrated to historical data
A new formulation of Lanchester-like attrition equation is proposed. This formulation...
A fast approximation of homogeneous stochastic combat
The stochastic combat model with arbitrary interkilling time distribution is more...
Simple probability models for assessing the value of information in defense against missile attack
Suitable and timely information can enhance the effectiveness of a weapon system. This...
Quick-response assessment of forward air control and communications using a queueing model and digital simulation
The authors analyze the potential benefits of improved communications equipment used...
Lanchester models of the Ardennes campaign
A detailed data base of the Ardennes campaign of World War II (December 15, 1944...
Lanchester modeling and the Biblical account of the Battles of Gibeah
A very basic Lanchester model is given to fit the story in Judges 20 about the...
A mathematical model of attrition data
The Lanchester square and linear laws do not provide good models of combat attrition...
Validating Lanchester’s square law and other attrition models
This article addresses the question of validating the homogeneous Lanchestrian square...
Rates of advance in land combat operations
This article presents some of the highlights from a study of rates of advance in land...
Use of the amphibious warfare model to evaluate the cost effectiveness of alternative Marine Corps amphibious assault vehicles
The Marine Corps’ current amphibious vehicle will reach the end of its service...
The combat simulation of Desert Storm with applications for contingency operations
Operation Desert Storm shattered the myth that the next war U.S. forces would fight...
Analysis of air operations during Desert Shield and Desert Storm
This article discusses the role played by HQ USAF operations research analysts...
Consolidating and dispatching truck shipments of Mobil heavy petroleum products
Mobile Oil Corporation consolidates and dispatches truck shipments of heavy petroleum...
Audit costs of small cities in an unregulated audit market environment
This study provides public administrators with an introduction into research of the...
The pricing relationship of audits and related services in municipal governments
For private sector organizations, Palmrose and Simunic document a positive...
Budgeting concepts and processes: Perceived value for state budgeting
State budgeting processes and decision making have been the subject of numerous...
Learning to live with public expenditure: Politics and budgeting in Britain since 1976
Budgetary reform in the U.K. since the International Monetary Fund intervention under...
Post-1970 ‘budgetary cooperation’ between central and local government in Denmark
As the result of a major local government reform in 1970, most welfare functions in...
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