Attrition formulas for deterministic models of large-scale combat

Attrition formulas for deterministic models of large-scale combat

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Article ID: iaor19951710
Country: United States
Volume: 42
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 345
End Page Number: 373
Publication Date: Apr 1995
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Keywords: Lanchester theory and models

This article describes attrition formulas that (a) consider area fire and point fire, (b) consider various levels of coordination of fire, (c) allow the explicit consideration of the use of various types of munitions, (d) allow a maximum density of targets for area fire, and (e) allow meaningful allocations of fire for point fire. For each type of fire (area or point) and for each relevant level of coordination except one (shoot-look-shoot fire), the precise form of the corresponding attrition formula is given.


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