‘The Influence of the Numerical Strength of Opposed Forces on Their Casualties’, by M. Osipov

‘The Influence of the Numerical Strength of Opposed Forces on Their Casualties’, by M. Osipov

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Article ID: iaor19951714
Country: United States
Volume: 42
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 435
End Page Number: 490
Publication Date: Apr 1995
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Keywords: Lanchester theory and models

This is an English translation of the five-part series of articles that M. Osipov published in 1915 in the Russian journal Voenniy Sbornik (Military Collection) under the title ‘Vliyaniye Chislennosti Srazhayushchikhsya Storon na Ikh Porteri’ (‘The Influence of the Numerical Strength of Opposed Forces on Their Casualties’). These articles appeared in the following issues of Voenniy Sbornik: Part One, Issue No. 6, June 1915, pp. 59-74. Part two, Issue No. 7, July 1915, pp. 25-36. Part Three, Issue No. 8, August 1915, pp. 31-40. Part Four, Issue No. 9, September 1915, pp. 25-37. Part Five (Addendum), Issue No. 10, October 1915, pp. 93-96. This major work spans a total of 55 pages and contains nine numbered sections, in addition to an unnumbered preface and an addendum. It includes 19 numbered equations, six numbered tables in addition to a list of battles, four numbered examples, and 10 numbered problems. The translators have undertaken this translation because they believe that Osipov’s work is to important historically and methodologically that it should be made accessible in English. The translators recognize that their work is not perfect, hope that any mistakes will not be seriously misleading, and solicit constructive suggestions for improvement. Some recent and highly laudatory Soviet comments on Osipov’s work are included in Appendix B. These appear in the September 1988 issue of the Soviet Military-Historical Journal. [In Russian.]


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