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Found 17049 papers in total
Location planning of airport facilities using the analytic hierarchy process
Over the years, constant population growth, deregulation, and ever-increasing demand...
Reengineering at American Express: The Travel Services Group’s work in process
American Express became involved in reengineering when we found that we could not...
Freight routing and scheduling at CSX Transportation
Two of a railroad’s fundamental tactical operations are routing shipments along...
Services and technology: Reengineering the railroads
In the service-sector, productivity improvements due to technology investments are...
Automatic autonomous system for correlative control of traffic
A system of automatic control for car traffic is proposed based on the similarity with...
Multiple user classes real-time traffic assignment for online operations: A rolling horizon solution framework
Existing dynamic traffic assignment formulations predominantly assume the...
Arterial incident detection using fixed detector and probe vehicle data
This paper describes incident detection algorithms for urban arterial streets using...
A survey-based methodology to determine information requirements for advanced traveler information systems
This paper discusses three nationwide surveys designed to obtain user information...
Highway cost allocation: An application of the theory of nonatomic games
The purpose of all highway cost allocation procedures is to divide in a fair and...
Projected fuel savings and emissions reductions from light-vehicle fuel economy standards
This study applies a model of motor vehicle stock turnover to estimate the effect of...
First-passage-time and busy-period distributions of discrete-time Markovian queues: Geom(n)/Geom(n)/1/N.
This paper gives simple explicit solutions of various first-passage-time distributions...
Sampling strategies for two-fluid model parameter estimation in urban networks
The basic postulate of the two-fluid theory of town traffic relates the average speed...
Transient analysis of queues with heterogeneous arrivals
In this paper the authors consider a discrete time queueing model where the time axis...
Analyzing the discrete-time G’(G’)/Geo/1 queue using complex contour integration
In this paper, a discrete-time single-server queueing system with an infinite waiting...
An analytical solution for the discrete time single server system with semi-Markovian arrivals
In this paper the authors derive an analytical solution for the stationary...
Comparative-assessment of AHP and MAV in highway planning-A case-study
A comparative analysis is made between the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the...
Analysis of discrete time queues via the reversed process
A class of discrete-time M/G/1 queues, including both round robin and last come first...
Features of some discrete-time cyclic queueing networks
A class of discrete-time closed cyclic networks is analyzed, where queues at each node...
An AI-based Decision Support System for naval ship design
Naval ship design is a complex, iterative decision-making process that requires not...
Quasi-reversibility of a discrete-time queue and related models
The paper considers a discrete-time queueing system and its application to related...
A linear-programming-based price negotiation procedure for contracting shipping companies
A procedure for a shipper contracting with ocean container shipping companies is...
On the characterization of departure rules for discrete-time queueing networks with batch movements and its applications
This paper supplements and generalizes the results of nOsawa in this special issue...
Determinants of port performance and efficiency
Studies that have identified the various factors influencing a port’s...
Discrete-time analysis of a classified multi-server queue with burst arrivals and a shared buffer
This paper studies a discrete-time, classified multi-server queue with a shared...
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