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Found 17049 papers in total
The impact of outliers and leverage points for technical efficiency measurement using high breakdown procedures
Given that most data used for production studies have not been accumulated for such...
Profit maximizing cost allocation for firms using cost-based pricing
This work develops a profit maximizing cost allocation scheme for firms that allocate...
The influence of supervisory promotion and network location on subordinate careers in a dual ladder RD&E setting
This longitudinal study examines the impacts of supervisors’ promotion paths and...
Optimal operating policy for a bottleneck with random rework
This paper presents a model of a bottleneck facility that performs two distinct types...
Delay cost and incentive schemes for multiple users
This paper examines the role of cost application in the presence of delay and agency...
Performance analysis of a multi-item production-inventory system under alternative policies
This paper explores the performance of a multi-item production-inventory system. The...
Optimal batch sizing and repair strategies for operations with repairable jobs
This paper presents a model of a bottleneck facility that performs two distinct types...
The single period procurement problem where dedicated supplier capacity can be reserved
In this article the authors consider the single period procurement strategy for an...
Multiperiod resource allocation with a smoothing objective
The authors consider a multiperiod resource allocation problem, where a single...
Optimal cutoff strategies in capacity expansion problems
Capacity expansion refers to the process of adding facilities or manpower to meet...
A new heuristic approach for reliability optimization of Distributed Computing Systems subject to capacity constraints
Distributed Computing Systems (DCS) have become a major trend in computer system...
Reliability optimization of distributed computing systems subject to capacity constraints
In this paper, the authors propose a simple, easily programmed exact method for...
Bayesian process control for attributes
The paper considers a process control procedure with fixed sample sizes and sampling...
A dependability measure for Markov models of repairable systems: Solution by randomization and computational experience
Irreducible, continuous-time Markov models for reliability analysis are considered...
A replacement model with overhauls and repairs
This article generalizes the classical periodical replacement model with minimal...
Gittins-index heuristics for research planning
The classical work of Gittins, which resulted in the celebrated index result, had...
Production organisation and risk control when market instruments are available
A standard result in the theory of production under price risk is that if forward...
Corporate hedging of exchange risk when foreign currency cash flow is uncertain
The paper analyzes hedging policies for a corporation that generates a foreign...
A production control problem in competition
In this paper, the authors study a production control problem in a competitive...
Improved implicit optimal modeling of the labor shift scheduling problem
This paper presents an integer programming model for developing optimal shift...
Single facility due date setting with multiple customer classes
The paper considers the interrelated problems of (1) quoting a due date to each...
An efficient load distribution strategy for a distributed linear network of processors with communication delays
In this paper, the authors present an improved load distribution strategy, for...
Dynamic scheduling of a production/inventory system with by-products and random yield
Motivated by semiconductor wafer fabrication, the authors consider a scheduling...
Makespan minimization for m parallel identical processors
The authors introduce an algorithm, called TMO (Two-Machine Optimal Scheduling) which...
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