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Found 17049 papers in total
The effect of sampling variability on statistical order point computation
Recognition of sampling variablity is a fundamental issue in any statistical analysis,...
Monotone discrete Newton iterations and elimination
The improvement in convergence by means of accurate functional elimination in the...
A new Gaussian Elimination-based algorithm for parallel solution of linear equations
In this paper, a variant of Gaussian Elimination (GE) called Successive Gaussian...
Differentiation of probability functions: The transformation method
In reliability-oriented design and optimization of engineering systems, one needs...
Fast solution and detection of minimal forecast horizons in dynamic programs with a single indicator of the future: Applications to dynamic lot-sizing models
In most dynamic planning problems, one observes that an optimal decision at any given...
An efficient parallel Dynamic Programming Algorithm
Antonio, Tsai, and Huang proposed a scheme in 1991 to parallelize the standard dynamic...
Note: A local-search heuristic for large set-covering problems
In this note the authors describe a local-search heuristic (LSH) for large non-unicost...
Effects of warranty execution on warranty reserve costs
Previous research has usually assumed full execution of warranty if a product fails...
Linear programming approaches to the convex hull problem in Rm.
In this paper, two linear programming formulations of the convex hull problem are...
Short-term retrenchment planning in hierarchical manpower systems
The paper addresses the issue of short-term retrenchment planning required of...
A primal-dual infeasible-interior-point algorithm for linear semi-infinite programming
In this paper, the authors design an algorithm for solving linear semi-infinite...
Unification of linear programming with a rule-based system by the Post-model Analysis approach
The authors attempt to unify a linear programming model with a rule-based system via...
Single-facility resource allocation under capacity-based economies and diseconomies of scope
The authors consider the optimal allocation of a resource in a single-facility...
Bidding for contests
The procurement of product development and production services brings special...
Studies on optimum-path ratios in multicriteria De Novo programming problems
This paper proposes several optimum-path ratios for enforcing different budget levels...
Family of functional dependencies and its equivalent descriptions
The family of functional dependencies (FDs) was introduced by E.F. Codd. Equivalent...
A decomposition method for quadratic zero-one programming
This paper proposes a decomposition method to compute a lower bound for unconstrained...
Space saving generalization of B-trees with 2/3 utilization
The paper studies balanced trees with variable length records. It genealizes the...
A new decomposition method for stochastic dynamic stabilization
The aim of this paper is to prove that the stabilizability of a controlled nonlinear...
Line reversibility of tandem queues with general blocking
The authors extend the ‘line reversibility’ property to a serial...
Predicting buyer-seller pricing disparities
Numerous studies have shown that compensation demanded (CD) to give up a commodity...
A sequence of servers with arbitrary input and regular service times revisited
The March 1965 issue of Management Science saw a sequence of two papers by Avi-Itzhak...
Sensitivity to the service-time distribution in the nonstationary Erlang loss model
The stationary Erlang loss model is a classic example of an insensitive queueing...
Sequential choice under ambiguity: Intuitive solutions to the armed-bandit problem
The process by which individuals learn from feedback when making recurrent choices...
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