An efficient load distribution strategy for a distributed linear network of processors with communication delays

An efficient load distribution strategy for a distributed linear network of processors with communication delays

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Article ID: iaor1996497
Country: United States
Volume: 29
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 95
End Page Number: 112
Publication Date: May 1995
Journal: Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Authors: , ,
Keywords: networks

In this paper, the authors present an improved load distribution strategy, for arbitrarily divisible processing loads, to minimize the processing time in a distributed linear network of communicating processors by an efficient utilization of their front-ends. Closed-form solutions are derived, with the processing load originating at the boundary and at the interior of the network, under some important conditions on the arrangement of processors and links in the network. Asymptotic analysis is carried out to explore the ultimate performance limits of such networks. Two important theorems are stated regarding the optimal load sequence and the optimal load origination point. Comparative study of this new strategy with an earlier strategy is also presented.


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