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Found 17049 papers in total
Scheduling to minimize release-time resource consumption and tardiness penalties
The authors consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs with a common due-date on...
A suboptimality bound for permutation policies in single machine stochastic scheduling
A general class of single machine stochastic scheduling problems incorporating...
Optimal timing schedules in earliness-tardiness single machine scheduling
The article deals with a single machine earliness-tardiness scheduling model where...
The effects of retailer and consumer response on optimal manufacturer advertising and trade promotion strategies
This research examines how retailer and consumer responses influence a...
An upwind scheme for a nonlinear model in age-structured population dynamics
The large time behavior of numerical solutions for a model describing age-structured...
Insider trading, earnings changes, and stock prices
This study empirically examines the relation between reportable insider trading and...
Quadratic-variation-based dynamic strategies
The paper analyzes a family of dynamic trading strategies which do not rely on any...
Valuing risky projects: Option pricing theory and decision analysis
In the academic literature and professional practice, there are a number of...
Trading securities using trailing stops
In financial markets traders often protect their position from a significant decline...
Public spending for health and other social programs: A Canadian example
This descriptive study examines public fund allocations to provincial education,...
Health care financing: A comparative analysis
This article compares and analyzes health care financing in the Organization for...
Optimal force mix in heterogeneous combat
This article presents models for determining the optimum number of Red weapons...
The effect of experience on auditor’s belief revisions in the defense contract environment
This study investigates the effect of decision-maker experience on certain Hogarth and...
The application of ranking probability models to racetrack betting
Hausch et al. (HZR) developed a betting system that demonstrated positive profilts at...
The Denver Airport: Managing a megaproject
A streamlined command structure helped organize the legions of people and equipment...
Modelling traffic queues at a signalized intersection with vehicle-actuated control and Markovian Arrival Processes
The paper considers a four-arm signalized intersection with vehicle-actuated control...
Preface: The field of automated reasoning
The term automated reasoning ( first introduced in 1980) accurately describes the...
A formal model for verification of dynamic consistency of KBSs
This paper proposes a translation of the main concepts involved in Knowledge Based...
A new way of counting
In this paper, the authors shall give a combinatorial proof of the following equation:...
Some comments on Saaty’s AHP
The purpose of this short paper is to help clarify some questions which have arisen...
Computing continuous numerical solutions of matrix differential equations
In this paper, the authors construct analytical approximate solutions of initial value...
The estimation of normalized fuzzy weights
The estimation of a normalized set of positive fuzzy weights constitutes the most...
A constrained conjugate gradient method and the solution of linear equations
A conjugate gradient method for solving minimization problems subject to linear...
An artificial intelligence approach for the generation and enumeration of perfect matchings on graphs
A new search based algorithm is developed for an effective combinatorial exploration...
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