Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
On the calculation of steady-state loss probabilities in the GI/G/2/0 queue
This paper considers methods for calculating the steady-state loss probability in the...
The transient M/G/1/0 queue: Some bounds and approximations for light traffic with application to reliability
This paper considers the transient analysis of the M/G/1/0 queue, for which P n (t)...
L.L. Bean improves call-center forecasting
The authors developed and implemented two forecasting models for use at L.L. Bean,...
Interdisciplinary industry-university collaboration: Lessons from an operations improvement project
A six-month Leaders-for-Manufacturing student internship at the Alcoa extrusion and...
The evolution of Texaco’s blending systems: From OMEGA to StarBlend
Gasoline blending is a critical refinery operation. In the 1980s, Texaco developed...
Decision analysis of exploration opportunities in the Onshore US at Phillips Petroleum Company
Petroleum exploration managers must allocate scarce resources across a set of risky...
Facilities evaluation under uncertainty: Pricing a refinery
During a period of volatile oil prices and of refining margins that were frequently...
For richer or for poorer: Reporting OR/MS implementation
Few reports of implementation in OR/MS adopt an evolutionary perspective or extend...
The evolution of draft lotteries in professional sports: Back to moral hazard?
in several North American professional sports, teams choose (draft) new players each...
Thirty years of modeling midair collisions
For 30 years, operations researchers have developed mathematical models of processes...
Knowledge-based systems and decision sciences
Three ways of unifying knowledge-based expert systems and mathematical modeling are...
Evolutionary change in product management: Experiences in the car rental industry
Car rental companies offer customers various combinations of car types, rental...
A comparative model of facility network design methodologies
Operations managers use a variety of decision making tools when designing facility...
Local government revenue forecasting: Using regression and econometric revenue forecasting in a medium-sized city
Fiscal stress has forced local governments to pay increasing attention to revneue...
A comparison of finance officer and auditor assessments of municpal internal control
There is an increased emphasis on internal control in the governmental sector. The...
The 1995 unfunded mandates reform act: The politics of federal mandating meets the politics of reform
The adoption of federal mandate control legislation early in the 104th Congress of the...
Windows of opportunity: The ‘loose’ mandate as a mechanism for state-local negotiation
Contrary to the popular view of mandates as rigid and dictatorial mechanisms, this...
Estimating the costs of state mandates: The county law enforcement and justice system in Arizona
This article addresses the problems and opportunities of on-site cost estimation of...
What kind of federal mandate is the Endangered Species Act?
This article examines the mandate reputation of the Endagered Species Act in its...
The analytic hierarchy process as applied to two types of inventory problems
In this article, an overview of the analytic hierarchy process is presented. After an...
The evolution of supply-chain-management models and practice at Hewlett-Packard
Late in 1980s, Hewlett-Packard (HP) faced inventories mounting into the billions of...
A new functional approximation to the standard normal loss integral
One must consult a table of the standard normal loss integral to determine the reorder...
Switching rules for JIT purchasing
In his 1990 study, Ramesesh recast the purchasing EOQ model and suggested the ultimate...
Determining reorder points when lead time is random: A spreadsheet implementation
When demand during lead time is the convolution of a random number of time periods,...
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