Space saving generalization of B-trees with 2/3 utilization

Space saving generalization of B-trees with 2/3 utilization

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Article ID: iaor1996381
Country: United States
Volume: 30
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 47
End Page Number: 66
Publication Date: Oct 1995
Journal: Computers & Mathematics with Applications

The paper studies balanced trees with variable length records. It genealizes the concept of B-tree with unfixed key length. The main property of the new trees, called S(b)-trees, is their local incompressibility. That is, any sequence consisting of b+1 neighboring nodes of the tree cannot be compressed into a b well formed node. The case of S(2)-trees is studied in detail. For these trees, 2/3- utilization lower bound is proven, where is inversely proportional to the tree branching. Logarithmic running time algorithms for search, insertion, and deletion are presented.


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