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The vehicle routing problem with time windows part II: Genetic search
Potvin Jean-Yves
This paper is the second part of a work on the application of new search techniques...
Solving multiplle objective programming problems using feed-forward artificial neural networks: The interactive FFANN procedure
Stam Antonie
In this paper, the authors propose a new interactive procedure for solving multiple...
Towards finding global representations of the efficient set in multiple objective mathematical programming
Benson Harold P.
The authors propose and justify the proposition that finding truly global...
Isomorphic routing on a toroidal mesh
Mao Weizhen
The authors study a routing problem that arises on SIMD parallel architectures whose...
Perturbation: An efficient technique for the solution of very large instances of the Euclidean TSP
Margara Luciano
In this paper the authors introduce a technique for developing efficient iterated...
A fast composite heuristic for the symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
Laporte Gilbert
This particle describes a new composite heuristic for the symmetric Traveling Salesman...
A comparison of alternative approaches for numerical solutions of GI/PH/1 queues
Kao Edward P.C.
This paper compares alternative approaches for computing the R matrix of Neuts in...
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in numerical finance
Joy Corwin
This paper introduces and illustrates a new version of the Monte Carlo method that has...
Option pricing with stochastic volatility; Information-time vs. calendar-time
Chang Jack S.K.
Empirical evidence has shown that subordinated processes represent well the price...
Dobrushin’s approach to queueing network theory
Karpelevich F.I.
R.L. Dobrushin (1929-1995) made substantial contributions to Queing Network Theory...
On applications of excess level processes to (N,D)-policy bulk queueing systems
Dshalalow Jewgeni H.
The paper deals with queueing systems in which N- and D-policies are combined into...
Nelder-Mead simplex modifications for simulation optimization
Barton Russell R.
When the Nelder-Mead method is used to optimize the expected response of a stochastic...
A generalized qualitative-response model and the analysis of management fraud
Hansen J.V.
Management fraud has become a topic of increasing interest to the public accounting...
Impact of plant size and focus on productivity: An empirical study
Brush Thomas
Recent popular business literature has suggested that there is a significant trend in...
Evaluating manufacturing performance: A study of automotive component manufacturing sector in India
Shukla P.R.
The paper examines the dimensions and a few relevant tools for evaluating...
Bad lattice structures for vectors of nonsuccessive values produced by some linear recurrences
LEcuyer Pierre
Usually, the t- dimensional spectral test for linear congruential generators examines...
Analysis of aircraft sortie generation with the use of a fork-join queueing network model
Dietz Dennis C.
This article presents an approximate analytical method for evaluating an aircraft...
Selecting ingot sizes for joint production of sheet products
Balakrishnan Anantaram
The paper addresses a tactical planning problem of selecting standard ingot sizes to...
Risk propensity and firm performance: A study of the petroleum exploration industry
Dyer James S.
This paper explores the differences in observed risk propensity among petroleum firms...
A self-organizing approach to managerial nonlinear discriminant analysis: A hybrid method of linear discriminant analysis and neural networks
Wang Shouhong
Due to their adaptive nature neural network models are used widely in classification...
Compromise allocation in multivariate stratified sampling: An integer solution
Khan M.G.M.
The problem of determining the sample sizes in various strata when several...
Sojourn times
Takcs Lajos
Let { ω(u),u≥0} be a stochastic process with state space AℝB where A and...
Descriptors for point processses based on runs: The Markovian arrival process
Neuts Marcel F.
This paper is part of a broader investigation of properties of a point process that...
The failure rate in reliability: Approximations and bounds
Cocozza-Thivent Christiane
The authors consider models typical to the area of reliability, and a failure rate...
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