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Found 17049 papers in total
Balls left empty by a critical branching Wiener process
At time t=0 we have a Poisson random field on ℝ’ d. Each particle executes...
Fast algorithms for single-sink fixed charge transportation problems with applications to manufacturing and transportation
The single-sink fixed-charge transportation problem has many applications in the area...
Neural network models for time series forecasts
Neural networks have been advocated as an alternative to traditional statistical...
Production, transportation, and distribution planning in a multi-commodity tri-echelon system
To achieve high productivity in manufacturing plants and warehouses, an orderly and...
Connecting quantitative method education to the real world: Teaching formulation, modeling, and the process of problem-solving
Responding to Reisman’s call, this paper outlines courses and pedagogical...
Routing two-machine flowshop problems on networks with special structure
The authors consider a version of the routing two-machine flowshop problem, where n...
Remarks on the life and research of Ronald Dobrushin
The life and research work of Professor R.L. Dorbrshin (1929-1995) had a profound...
Facility layout to support just-in-time
In this paper, the authors develop a heuristic algorithm based on Benders’...
Stochastic modeling for automated material handling system design and control
Material handling systems (MHSs) are micro-transportation systems that share many of...
Designing a single-vehicle automated guided vehicle system with multiple load capacity
Automated guided vehicle systems (AGVSs) play an important role in today’s...
A network flow-based tabu search heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem
The authors develop a new local search approach based on a network flow model that is...
Predicting on-time line-haul performance in scheduled railroad operations
This paper considers the problem of predicting on-time performance on a partially...
Analysis of distribution strategies in the industrial paper and plastics industry
The costs, benefits and strategic role of intermediate echelons in distribution...
Strategic capital budgeting and planning: Prospects at the county level
This article explores the potential for integrated capital budgeting and strategic...
98%-Effective lot sizing for series inventory systems with backlogging
For deterministic series inventory systems with backlogging, the authors show that the...
Joint determinination of preventive maintenance and safety stocks in an unreliable production environment
In this article the authors formulate an analytical model of preventive maintenance...
Adaptive penalty methods for genetic optimization of constrained combinatorial problems
The application of genetic algorithms (GA) to constrained optimization problems has...
Toward an experimental method for algorithm simulation
This feature article surveys issues arising in the design, development, and execution...
Computation of derivatives by means of the power-series algorithm
The power-series algorithm (PSA) is a flexible tool for computing performance measures...
Use of representative operation counts in computational testing of algorithms
In the mathematical programming literature, researchers have conducted a large number...
Production flow control: Balancing facilities under fixed initial inventory conditions
An optimal control approach to continuous-time aggregate production planning problems...
The magnitude of errors in proximal multiattribute decision analysis with probabilistically dependent attributes
This paper investigates the accuracy of an approximation procedure for evaluating...
Quad-trees and linear lists for identifying nondominated criterion vectors
In this paper the authors address the problem of identifying all nondominated...
On the regularity of many-particle dynamical systems perturbed by white noise
The paper considers a system of finite number of particles that ar moving in R d under...
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