Analysis of aircraft sortie generation with the use of a fork-join queueing network model

Analysis of aircraft sortie generation with the use of a fork-join queueing network model

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Article ID: iaor19971936
Country: United States
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 153
End Page Number: 164
Publication Date: Mar 1997
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: ,
Keywords: queues: theory

This article presents an approximate analytical method for evaluating an aircraft sortie generation process. The process is modeled as a closed network of multiserver queues and fork-join nodes that allow concurrent service activities. The model uses a variation of mean value analysis to capture the effect of mean service times, resource levels, and network topology on performance measures including resource utilizations and the overall sortie generation rate. The quality of the analytical approximation is demonstrated through comparison with simulation results.


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