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Found 17049 papers in total
On the strategic role of outside options in bilateral bargaining
This paper studies a model of the situation in which two players are bargaining...
Another set of conditions for average optimality in Markov control processes
The existence of an average cost optimal stationary policy in a countable state Markov...
The failure rate in reliability. Numerical treatment
This paper contains approximations and bounds of failure rate functions of redundant...
A 2n constraint formulation for the capacitated minimal spanning tree problem
This paper presents a new formulation for the Capacitated Minimal Spanning Tree (CMST)...
Modeling and solving the two-facility capacitated network loading problem
This paper studies a topical and economically significant capacitated network design...
Robust optimization of large-scale systems
Mathematical programming models with noisy, erroneous, or incomplete data are common...
A general discrete-time dynamic-programming model for the opportunistic replacement policy and its application to ball-bearing systems
A general discrete-time, stochastic, dynamic-programming model of opportunistic...
On the variance of the number of the number of real zeros of a random trigonometric polynomial
The asymptotic estimate of the expected number of real zeros of the polynomial...
Online recognition of cursive Korean characters using dynamic programming matching and fuzzy concepts
This paper proposes an on-line recognition method of cursive Korean characters based...
A heuristic algorithm for determining replacement policies in k-out-of-n systems
The authors study a discrete-time, infinite-horizon, dynamic programming model for the...
Matching of partially occluded planar curves
An algorithm for curves partial matching, up to a similarity transformation, is...
String-matching with left-to-right networks
String matching is the process of searching for optimal alignment of two strings. In...
Stochastic Hamiltons principle and noisy sliding surfaces in the tracking control of manipulators
In the tracking control of manipulators via the sliding scheme, it may happen that...
Lot sizing with random yields: A review
This paper reviews the literature on quantitatively-oriented approaches for...
Mean number of real zeros of a random trigonometric polynomial IV
If are independent, normally distributed random variables with mean 0 and variance 1,...
The two-stage assembly scheduling problem: Complexity and approximation
This paper introduces a new two-stage assembly scheduling problem. There are m...
Aluminum production modeling-a nonlinear bilevel programming approach
This paper develops a nonlinear bilevel programming model of an aluminium smelter that...
Smoothing point processes as a means to increase throughput
Unlike the leaky-bucket scheme which regulates the input rate, the filters studied in...
Approximation of the mean queue length of an M/G/c queueing system
A relatively robust method for the approximate analysis of the mean queue length of an...
Polling, greedy and horizon servers on a circle
Service in a loop-based polling system consists of a single server moving around a...
The distributional Little’s Law and its applications
This paper discusses the distributional Little’s law and examines its...
Mean-square consistency of the variance estimator in steady-state simulation output analysis
In steady-state simulation output analysis, mean-square consistency of the...
Numerical-simulation of turbulent-flow and fire propagation in complex topography
A numerical model is presented for the simultaneous calculation of velocity and...
Multiple-facility loading under capacity-based economies of scope
Multiple-facility loading (MFL) involves the allocation of products among a set of...
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