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Heuristics for multimachine minmax scheduling problems with general earliness and tardiness costs
Federgruen Awi
The authors consider the problem of scheduling N jobs on M parallel machines so as to...
Limiting behavior of the perturbed empirical distribution functions evaluated at U-statistics for strongly mixing sequences of random variables
Sun Shan
The authors prove the almost sure representation, a law of the iterated logarithm and...
Arc routing problems, part I: The Chinese postman problem
Laporte Gilbert
Arc routing problems arise in several areas of distribution management and have long...
Using an inventory control model to establish biomass harvesting policies
Grado S.C.
The financial performance of a biomass-dependent production system was evaluated using...
Should prey overestimate the risk of predation
Abrams Peter A.
Mathematical models are used to determine the optimal foragnig effort of individuals...
Fast and accurate method for lattice approximation of protein folds based on dynamic-programming
Rykunov D.S.
A dynamic programming method allows one to find the optimal lattice approximation of...
Modeling handovers in cellular mobile networks with dynamic channel allocation
Pallant D.L.
A model for a cellular mobile network is given which uses the dynamic channel...
Lower bounding procedures for multiperiod telecommunications network expansion problems
Gavish Bezalel
This paper suggests an improved formulation for the multiperiod network topology and...
A decomposition algorithm for local access telecommunications network expansion planning
Balakrishnan Anantaram
Growing demand, increasing diversity of services, and advances in transmission and...
A logical topology and discrete capacity assignment algorithm for reconfigurable networks
Yee James R.
A reconfigurable network is a circuit-switched network where the effective topology...
Speech compression in attendant services: Analysis of a queueing system with delay-dependent service times
Smith Donald E.
The paper studies a multiserver queueing system in which delays influence service...
Second-order fluid flow models: Reflected Brownian motion in a random environment
Kulkarni Vidyadhar G.
This paper considers a stochastic fluid model of a buffer content process that depends...
A consortium sponsored knowledge-based system for managerial decision making in industrial construction
Gupta Vipul K.
Driven by economic and environmental considerations, a consortium of companies...
Managing environmental collaboratives: A manager’s perspective
Powell Kenneth B.
Until recently, electric utilities have been quiet, stable industries. The last two...
Sawtimber valuation and sawlog allocation through simulation of temple-inland sawmills
Wagner Francis G.
The cost of delivered sawlogs to a sawmill may account for 70 to 80 percent of all...
An assessment of the risk of chronic lung injury attributable to long-term ozone exposure
Winkler Robert L.
This paper presents an application of a formal process for encoding experts’...
Statistical support of forensic auditing
Chen Shaw K.
During a three year period, $4.38 million of gold was stolen from the vaults of...
Facility-wide planning and scheduling of printed wiring board assembly
Bard Jonathan F.
In the last decade, the U.S. electronics industry has experienced a 10% annual...
Iron ore handling procedures enhance export quality
Everett James E.
Iron ore is a major Australian export into a highly competitive market. Customers feed...
Decentralizing ethanol distribution in southeastern Brazil
Yoshizaki Hugo T.Y.
A renewable energy source, sugar cane ethanol, fuels many Brazilian automobiles. The...
Using simulated annealing to schedule oil field drilling rigs
Eagle Ken
Oil companies often have large backlogs of drilling opportunities. Optimizing this...
Modeling crude oil lightering in Delaware Bay
Murphy Frederic H.
Crude oil destined for Philadelphia-area refineries is transferred to lighters from...
Airline scheduling for the temporary closure of airports
Yan Shangyao
The poor scheduling of flights or a fleet resulting from temporary closure of airports...
The vehicle routing problem with time windows part I: Tabu search
Potvin Jean-Yves
This paper describes a tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time...
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