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Found 17049 papers in total
Fast algorithms for complete linkage clustering
It is shown that the complete linkage clustering of n points can be computed in >O(...
The nonlinear resource allocation problem
In this paper we study the nonlinear resource allocation problem, defined as the...
Withdrawable bids as winner's curse insurance
When bidders have a common value or strongly affiliated values for an object or...
Using judgment in resource management: A multiple objective analysis of a fisheries management decision
This paper uses multiple objective decision analysis to conduct an ex post analysis of...
Evaluating improvements in electric utility reliability at British Columbia Hydro
This paper employs multiattribute value assessment and risk analysis to evaluate the...
A contingent planning process for countertrade based projects: A decision analytic perspective
Countertrade (CT) is a major ingredient in 30–50 percent of world trade. A large...
Quantifying the bullwhip effect in supply chains
Consider multiple companies operating as a serial supply chain. Within this...
An application of discrete-event simulation for batch-process chemical-plant design
Operating a batch-processing chemical-plant efficiently is difficult. Chemical...
The power of the purse
In addition to a thorough review of the congressional structure and procedures for...
The financial evaluation process of RFPs in the gaming selection process
Many new gaming jurisdictions with limited licenses have used ‘Request For...
Public investment, productivity, and economic growth in developing countries
This paper estimates a neoclassical model of growth in which investment is separated...
Government expenditure, human capital creation and economic growth
This paper studies the impact of government expenditure for human capital –...
Government expenditure and private consumption in Pakistan
This article examines the role of the government in influencing private consumption....
The impact of fiscal policies on the poor in Guatemala
In this study, we attempt an empirical estimate of the incidence of public...
Response time design in integrated order processing/production systems
We consider a single-product firm in which arriving orders are processed by an...
Delays in new product introductions and the market value of the firm: The consequences of being late to the market
This paper empirically estimates the impact of not meeting promised new product...
Modeling handovers in cellular mobile networks with dynamic channel allocation
A model for a cellular mobile network is given which uses the dynamic channel...
Optimal control of arrivals to token ring networks with exhaustive service discipline
The optimal control of arrivals to a two-station token ring network is analyzed in...
An assessment of the risk of chronic lung injury attributable to long-term ozone exposure
This paper presents an application of a formal process for encoding experts'...
A near-linear algorithm for the Planar 2-center problem
We present an O ( n log 9 n )-time algorithm for computing the 2-center of a set S of...
Sphere packings, II
An earlier paper describes a program to prove the Kepler conjecture on sphere...
Curved hexagonal packings of equal disks in a circle
For each k ≥ 1 and corresponding hexagonal number h ( k ) = 3 k ( k + 1)...
Average-case analysis of the bin-packing problem with general cost structures
We consider a version of the famous bin-packing problem where the cost of a bin is a...
Bounded-independence derandomization of geometric partitioning with applications to parallel fixed-dimensional linear programming
We give fast and efficient methods for constructing ϵ-nets and...
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