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Found 17049 papers in total
Convex hulls of f- and β-vectors
In this paper we describe the convex hulls of the sets of f - and β-vectors of...
Optimization and persistence
Most optimization-based decision support systems are used repeatedly with only modest...
An artificial-free simplex-type algorithm for general LP models
The simplex algorithm requires additional variables (artificial variables) for solving...
Stochastic Programming
An optimization model for energy supply to rice mills in India
A simple linear programming model for the determination of the least cost energy...
Energy planning and optimization model for rural development – a case of sustainable agriculture
In this paper we present an optimization model (using Linear Programming) for...
Optimization of nonlinear biotechnological processes with linear programming: Application to citric acid production by Aspergillus niger
The metabolic pathway and the properties of many of the enzymes involved in the citric...
Multivariate stochastic approximation using a simultaneous perturbation gradient approximation
Consider the problem of finding a root of the multivariate gradient equation that...
Algorithms for computing waiting time distributions under different queue disciplines for the D-BMAP/PH/1
A queueing system characterized by the discrete batch Markovian arrival process...
Minimizing the variability of the waiting times in a globally gated elevator polling system
A polling system comprising n queues and a single server is considered. Service is...
Lower bounds for set intersection queries
We consider the following set intersection reporting problem. We have a collection of...
A trilateral brokerage system for power transactions
In this paper, we design and analyse a brokerage system for buyers, sellers and...
Primal dividing and dual pruning: Output-sensitive construction of four-dimensional polytopes and three-dimensional Voronoi diagrams
In this paper, we give an algorithm for output-sensitive construction of an f -face...
Some topics in regenerative steady-state simulation
This paper offers a short introduction to the regenerative method of steady-state...
Techniques for optimization via simulation: An experimental study on an (s, S) inventory system
Various methods have been proposed to conduct optimization via discrete-event...
Optimization of discrete event systems via simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
We investigate the use of simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation for the...
Performance extrapolation in discrete-event systems simulation
The use of simulation as an engineering tool to design complex computer stochastic...
Experimental results for gradient estimation and optimization of a Markov-chain in steady-state
Infinitesimal perturbation analysis and the likelihood ratio method have drawn lots of...
What-if analysis in computer-simulation models – a comparative survey with some extensions
The simulation models are often subject to errors caused by the estimated...
Analysis of distribution strategies in the industrial paper and plastics industry
The costs, benefits and strategic role of intermediate echelons in distribution...
Stochastic optimization of discrete-event systems simulation
The Score Function method has been proposed to estimate the gradient of a performance...
Goal-seeking problem in discrete event systems simulation
For most complex stochastic systems such as microelectronic systems, the Mean Time To...
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