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Found 17049 papers in total
Unanticipated side effects of successful quality programs: Exploring a paradox of organizational improvement
Recent evidence suggests the connection between quality improvement and financial...
Second-order fluid flow models: Reflected Brownian motion in a random environment
This paper considers a stochastic fluid model of a buffer content process { X ( t ), t...
The performance effects of process management techniques
This paper provides exploratory evidence on the cross-sectional association between...
Competing in product and service: A product life-cycle model
In this paper we develop a product life-cycle model that studies a set of strategic...
Labor staffing and scheduling models for controlling service levels
The problems of labor staffing and scheduling have received substantial attention in...
A tutorial on business process improvement
Considering the strategic importance of business process improvement, it is imperative...
Complexity results for mixed-model assembly lines with approximation algorithms for the single station case
Mixed-model assembly lines are becoming increasingly interesting as the use of...
Maintenance and improvement of a production process with random deterioration
The setting for this research is a continuous time production system in which the...
Lower bounding procedures for multiperiod telecommunications network expansion problems
This paper suggests an improved formulation for the multiperiod network topology and...
A sublinear time distributed algorithm for minimum-weight spanning trees
This paper considers the question of identifying the parameters governing the behavior...
The road to ‘root cause’: Shop-floor problem-solving at three auto assembly plants
This paper uses case studies of shop-floor problem-solving at three automotive...
Lost sizing with random yields: A review
This paper reviews the literature on quantitatively oriented approaches for...
98%-effective lot sizing for series inventory systems with backlogging
For deterministic series inventory systems with backlogging, we show that the...
Efficient algorithms for finding optimal power-of-two policies for production/distribution systems with general joint setup costs
We consider a production/distribution system represented by a general directed acyclic...
The throughput of multistation production lines with no intermediate buffers
This paper concerns the throughput rate of multistation reliable production lines with...
Processing networks with inventories: Sequential refinement systems
This paper investigates a model representing a make-to-stock production system, where...
Performance analysis of flexible manufacturing systems with a single discrete material-handling device
We present an analytical model for performance prediction of flexible manufacturing...
Impact of routing flexibility on the performance of an FMS – a simulation study
The evolving manufacturing environment is characterized by a drive toward increasing...
A heuristic disaggregation and scheduling algorithm for hierarchical production planning systems
A hierarchical production planning (HPP) model is developed that integrates aggregate...
Linear and O(n log n) time minimum-cost matching algorithms for quasi-convex tours
Let G be a complete, weighted, undirected, bipartite graph with n red nodes, n ′...
Smoothing point processes as a means to increase throughput
Unlike the leaky-bucket scheme which regulates the input rate, the filters we study in...
Approximation of the mean queue length of an M/G/c queueing system
A relatively robust method for the approximate analysis of the mean queue length of an...
Speech compression in attendant services: Analysis of a queueing system with delay-dependent service times
We study a multiserver queueing system in which delays influence service times. The...
Polling, greedy and horizon servers on a circle
Service in a loop-based polling system consists of a single server moving around a...
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