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Found 17049 papers in total
Incorporating insurance costs in hazardous materials routing models
The economic loss associated with the involvement of a hazardous materials truck in an...
Low probability–high consequence considerations in routing hazardous material shipments
This paper is concerned with the development and analysis of a mathematical model for...
Objectives derived from viewing hazardous material shipments as a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials
This paper derives six objectives for routing hazardous material by viewing shipments...
Applications of non-order-preserving path selection to hazardous material routing
In this paper, we consider the problem of determining a path that maximizes a...
Modeling the increased complexity of New York City's refuse marine transport system
The New York City Department of Sanitation operates the world's largest refuse marine...
Exact and approximate solutions of affine reservoir models
We formulate an optimization model of a multiple reservoir water resource system that...
A model-based framework to overlap product development activities
Intense competition in many industries forces manufacturing firms to develop new,...
New product development structures and time-to-market
In fast-cycle, high technology industries, the speed and rate at which companies can...
Buyer–supplier partnerships in retail inventory management
We consider buyer–supplier partnerships in retail businesses. Planned shortages...
Quick Response in manufacturer–retailer channels
Quick Response (QR) is a movement in the apparel industry to shorten lead time. Under...
A dynamic-programming approach to continuous-review obsolescent inventory problems
Inventory models of modern production and service operations should take into...
A multi-linear constraint inventory system
A problem common to many retail businesses and manufacturing systems is the...
A decomposition algorithm for local access telecommunications network expansion planning
Growing demand, increasing diversity of services, and advances in transmission and...
Strong turnpike policies in the single-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with periodical dynamic parameter
This article considers optimization problems in a discrete capacitated lot sizing...
An optimal recursive method for various inventory replenishment models with increasing demand and shortages
We establish various inventory replenishment policies to solve the problem of...
A 2n constraint formulation for the capacitated minimal spanning tree problem
In this paper we present a new formulation for the Capacitated Minimal Spanning Tree...
Modeling and solving the two-facility capacitated network loading problem
This paper studies a topical and economically significant capacitated network design...
An O (log k) approximate min-cut max-flow theorem and approximation algorithm
It is shown that the minimum cut ratio is within a factor of O(log k ) of the maximum...
Locating discretionary service facilities, II: Maximizing market size, minimizing inconvenience
Discretionary service facilities are providers of products and/or services that are...
Specially structured uncapacitated facility location problems
This paper considers a specially structured uncapacitated facility location problem....
Bombardier turned to simulation to validate the CF-18 maintenance program
The Canadair Defence Systems Division (DSD) is responsible for making all major...
Bayesian group replacement policies
Much research has been performed in finding optimal group replacement policies for...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for computing optimal replacement policies in K-out-of-N systems
We study a discrete time, infinite-horizon, dynamic programming model for the...
Time versus market orientation in product concept development: Empirically-based theory generation
In collaboration with industry partners, a normative model of the product concept...
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