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Found 17049 papers in total
Analysis of initial transient deletion for parallel steady-state simulations
This paper investigates theoretical properties of a simple method for using parallel...
Discrete Stochastic Processes
Teaching undergraduate operations research in some of the business schools in Asia
Operations research and management science (OR/MS) have long been accepted as an...
Learning the practice of operations research
The OR department at Stanford University has made a 20-year effort to develop an...
Creativity in OR/MS: The creative problem-solving process, Part 1
Over the years, Gene Woolsey and others have taught us that mathematics and models are...
A logical topology and discrete capacity assignment algorithm for reconfigurable networks
A reconfigurable network is a circuit-switched network where the effective topology...
Weighted and unweighted maximum clique algorithms with upper bounds from fractional coloring
The linear programming relaxation of the minimum vertex coloring problem, called the...
Algorithms for dense graphs and networks on random-access computers
We improve upon the running time of several graph and network algorithms when applied...
Minimum weighted coloring of triangulated graphs, with application to maximum weight vertex packing and clique finding in arbitrary graphs
Efficient algorithms are known for finding a maximum weight stable set, a minimum...
On the hardness of approximating minimization problems
We prove results indicating that it is hard to compute efficiently good approximate...
Primal–dual approximation algorithms for integral flow and multicut in trees
We study the maximum integral multicommodity flow problem and the minimum multicut...
Minimizing work-in-process and material handling in the facilities layout problem
We consider the plant layout problem for a job shop environment. This problem is...
Suboptimal cuts – their enumeration, weight and number
We present (1) an algorithm that enumerates the cuts of a network by increasing weight...
An O(n3/log(n))-time maximum-flow algorithm
We show that a maximum flow in a network with n vertices can be computed...
Public budgeting in America: A twentieth century retrospective
Reviewing the development of budgeting in America in the twentieth century, this...
GASB versus FASB: User perceptions of the alternative formats for preparing the statement of cash flows
This paper reports results of a survey that examines user perceptions of alternate...
Faster approximation algorithms for the rectilinear Steiner tree problem
The classical Steiner tree problem requires a shortest tree spanning a given vertex...
Two accounting standard setters: One industry
The ability of investors, taxpayers and researchers to compare financial statements...
An efficient algorithm for Euclidean shortest paths among polygonal obstacles in the plane
We give an algorithm to compute a (Euclidean) shortest path in a polygon with h holes...
The intergenerational consequences of retiree healthcare premiums: What is the evidence?
The purpose of this research is to examine the association between the unfunded other...
Public sector accounting in India: A historical review and an analysis since independence to the economic reforms of the nineties
This study provides a history and an inventory and analysis of existing public sector...
Determinants of US private foreign direct investments in OPEC nations: From public and non-public policy perspectives
Previous research demonstrates that non-public policy variables (wage rate, raw...
Finding shortest paths on surfaces using level sets propagation
We present a new algorithm for determining minimal length paths between two regions on...
A recurrent neural-network for solving the shortest-path problem
The shortest path problem is the classical combinatorial optimization problem arising...
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