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Found 17049 papers in total
OR/SM: A prototype integrated modeling environment based on structured modeling
This article describes the design and implementation of OR/SM, a computerized modeling...
An integrated modeling system for structured modeling using model graphs
This article presents a graph-based modeling system for structured modeling that...
On the level crossing of multi-dimensional delayed renewal processes
The paper studies the behavior of an ( l + 3)th-dimensional, delayed renewal...
Spectral analysis of basic Transform-Expand Sample processes
This paper studies the spectral properties of a class of stochastic sequences...
The empirical TES methodology: Modeling empirical time series
TES (Transform-Expand-Sample) is a versatile class of stochastic sequences defined via...
Forecasting a cumulative variable using its partially accumulated data
Several forecasting algorithms have been proposed to forecast a cumulative variable...
Meta-analysis of the impact of research methods on findings of first-mover advantage
A long-standing hypothesis is that firms that enter a market early (‘first...
Dynamic conjectural variations in a Lanchester oligopoly
An approach based on dynamic conjectural variations is advanced for developing dynamic...
Deterrence, reputations, and competitive cognition
This study examines an aspect of competitive interactions that has attracted...
Equilibrium play in large group market entry games
Coordination behavior is studied experimentally in a class of noncooperative market...
Information and organization for horizontal multimarket coordination
We model the effects of alternative coordination structures on the performance of a...
SALOME: A bidirectional branch-and-bound procedure for Assembly Line Balancing
In this article, we report on new results for the well-known Simple Assembly Line...
A branch and cut approach for workload smoothing on assembly lines
This article presents a strong cutting plane method implemented by branch and cut to...
The economic manufacturing lot-sizing problem with imperfect production processes: Bounds and optimal solutions
In this paper, we consider the economic production quantity problem in the presence of...
Analysis of a production/inventory system subject to random disruptions
In this paper we study an unreliable bottleneck production/inventory system with a...
Selection of the subgroup size and sampling interval for a CUSUM control chart
The design of a CUSUM control chart typically involves choosing the subgroup size and...
A dynamic economic model for an &xmacr;-control chart design
Parkhideh and Case developed an economic model for a dynamic &xmacr; -control chart....
Economic design of dual-sampling-interval policies for &Xmacr; charts with and without run rules
Recent studies show that the dual-sampling-interval (DSI) policies of &Xmacr; control...
An economic design model for &Xmacr; charts with random sampling policies
Recent literature contains many papers on the study of variable (but deterministic)...
Some comparison results of system availability
System availability is a measure which is used to evaluate the performance of a system...
Improved upper bounds for the reliability of d-dimensional consecutive-k-out-of-n:F systems
Consider a 2-dimensional consecutive- k -out-of- n : F system, as described by Salvia...
On lifetimes in random environments
For a component operating in random environment, whose hazard rate is assumed to be...
Polling systems with a patient server and state-dependent setup times
We analyze a class of cyclic service (polling) systems with multiple customer classes...
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